Question : PMGDISHA

Will the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government recently approved “Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA) to make six crore rural households digitally literate and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether this is the largest digital literacy programme in the world and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise;
(c) whether the programme will ensure equitable geographical reach to each of the 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats across the country which will be expected to register an average of 200-300 candidates and if so, the details thereof with major programmes proposed under the scheme along with the list of panchayats selected under the first phase/year, State-wise;
(d) the details of human resources and technology required in its implementation and the State-wise/UT-wise details of the budget decided for the programme; and
(e) the time-frame decided for achieving the target?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b): The Government has approved a scheme titled “Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA)” in February, 2017 to usher in digital literacy in rural India by covering 6 Crore rural households (one person per household). The total outlay of the above Scheme is Rs. 2,351.38 Crore (approx.). The PMGDISHA is implemented as a Central Sector Scheme by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology through an implementing agency namely CSC e-Governance Services India Limited (CSC-SPV), with active collaboration of all the State Governments and UT Administrations, District e-Governance Society (DeGS), etc. The indicative targets of the States/UTs based on availability of average number of rural households are at Annexure.

(c): To ensure equitable geographical coverage across the country, a Gram Panchayat centric approach is adopted with targets being assigned and monitored for each of the 2.50 lakh Gram Panchayats. On an average a target of 200-300 beneficiaries per Gram Panchayat is envisaged. All the Panchayats in the country would be covered under the scheme except the Panchayats which are part of urban agglomerations.

(d): A Programme Management Unit has been set up by CSC-SPV with appropriate resources (including technical manpower) at central as well as state level for smooth implementation of the Scheme. The human resources of the Training Partners/Training Centres(including Common Service Centres) duly affiliated with CSC-SPV are being used for implementation of the PMGDISHA Scheme. As on date, 77,069 Training Centres are operational in rural areas of the country under PMGDISHA scheme. An interactive centralised online portal has been put in place for registration, training, and certification of candidates. The tentative state-wise funds requirement based on the expenses towards training fee, certification/assessment fee and programme management is at Annexure.

(e): The targets under the PMGDISHA Scheme are expected to be achieved by 31st March 2019.


Indicative State/UT-wise targets and funds requirement under PMGDISHA Scheme

S. No. States/UTs Indicative Targets Indicative fund requirement
(Rs. in crore)
1 Uttar Pradesh 1,11,71,000 437.79
2 Bihar 66,30,000 259.83
3 West Bengal 44,81,000 175.61
4 Maharashtra 44,33,000 173.73
5 Madhya Pradesh 37,84,000 148.29
6 Rajasthan 37,12,000 145.47
7 Karnataka 27,05,000 106.01
8 Tamil Nadu 26,79,000 104.99
9 Orissa 25,17,000 98.64
10 Gujarat 24,97,000 97.86
11 Andhra Pradesh 20,28,000 79.48
12 Telangana 20,28,000 79.48
13 Assam 19,29,000 75.6
14 Jharkhand 18,03,000 70.66
15 Chhattisgarh 14,12,000 55.33
16 Kerala 12,57,000 49.26
17 Punjab 12,47,000 48.87
18 Haryana 11,91,000 46.67
19 Jammu & Kashmir 6,58,000 25.79
20 Uttarakhand 5,06,000 19.83
21 Himachal Pradesh 4,44,000 17.39
22 Tripura 1,95,000 7.64
23 Meghalaya 1,71,000 6.7
24 Manipur 1,37,000 5.37
25 Nagaland 1,01,000 3.96
26 Arunachal Pradesh 77,000 3.02
27 Goa 40,000 1.57
28 Mizoram 38,000 1.49
29 Sikkim 33,000 1.29
30 NCT of Delhi 30,000 1.17
31 Puducherry 28,000 1.1
32 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 18,000 0.71
33 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 13,000 0.51
34 Daman & Diu 4,000 0.15
35 Chandigarh 2,000 0.08
36 Lakshadweep 1,000 0.04
Total 6,00,00,000 Rs. 2,351.38

Note: Targets and funds requirement per State/UT may vary depending upon performance


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