Question : DAKSH Yojana


TO BE ANSWERED ON 23.03.2021



Will the Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the number of people trained under the skill development programme, Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi (DAKSH) Yojana since inception of the programme till date, State-wise;

(b) the amount spent under PM DAKSH during the said period, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government is planning to take special measures under the scheme for further technical skill upgradation after COVID 19 pandemic; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment integrated various skilling programmes for its target group under one scheme in the name of Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi (PM-DAKSH) Yojana during 2020-21 for imparting skill development trainings through Apex Corporations viz. National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation, (NSFDC), National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC), and National Safai Karamcharies Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC) to their respective target groups.

Target Group of Corporations are as under:
NSFDC - Scheduled Castes
NBCFDC- Other Backward Classes (OBCs)/Economically Backward Classes (EBCs)/De-notified Tribes (DNTs)
NSKFDC- Safai Karamcharis including Waste pickers.

Under PM-DAKSH Yojana, during the financial year 2020-21, NSFDC has sanctioned training progrmmes for 10730 trainees, out of which 3056 trainees have commenced.

NBCFDC has sanctioned skill development training programmes for 18,884 trainees in the year 2020-21, out of which 4282 trainees have commenced.

NSKFDC has sanctioned training to 10,000 number of trainees, out of which 7564 trainees for safai karamcharis/waste pickers have already been commenced.

Details of state-wise sanctioned number of trainees, fund allotted, training commenced and amount disbursed under PM DAKSH are given at Annexure.

(c) & (d): Corporations has already conveyed to all the Sector Skill Councils/Training Institutes to adhere the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Government of India regarding health and safety measures by including mask, hand sanitation, social distancing etc during the conduct of training programme.
Annexure referred in reply to parts (a) and (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4485 for answer on 23.03.2021 regarding DAKSH Yojana
I. National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC)
Details State-wise Skill Development Training Provided to target group by NBCFDC in year 2020-21 under PM-DAKSH Yojana (As on 10.03.2021)
Sl. No. State No. of trainees sanctioned Amount Allocated
(Rs. in Lakhs) No. of Training commenced Amount Disbursed*
(Rs. in Lakhs)
1 Andhra Pradesh 610 61.11 30 0.85
2 Assam 1020 108.24 120 4.59
3 Bihar 1283 141.30 303 20.65
4 Chhatisgarh 470 62.81 120 7.04
5 Delhi 625 80.26 155 11.52
6 Gujarat 857 146.37 317 15.85
7 Haryana 650 90.87 369 19.36
8 Himachal Pradesh 120 11.11 40 2.15
9 J&K 440 74.68 240 19.68
10 Laddakh 90 17.45 60 4.74
11 Jharkhand 300 38.46 0 0.00
12 Karnataka 660 84.41 0 0.00
13 Kerala 550 78.97 180 14.41
14 Madhya Pradesh 1360 246.54 210 14.88
15 Maharashtra 1190 155.98 80 7.78
16 Manipur 185 37.24 157 11.60
17 Meghalaya 60 2.99 60 1.50
18 Odisha 357 46.55 120 6.24
19 Punjab 590 77.62 160 5.48
20 Rajasthan 1151 168.45 271 20.19
21 Sikkim 160 25.48 110 4.87
22 Tamil Nadu 1181 151.68 186 11.95
23 Telangana 650 46.05 0 0.00
24 Tripura 30 2.57 30 0.94
25 Uttar Pradesh 2835 315.89 591 34.76
26 Uttarakhand 750 88.78 30 1.73
27 West Bengal 710 90.23 343 13.90
Total 18884 2452.09 4282 256.66
Note:- Due to restriction of COVID-19 lockdown, skill training could only be sanctioned in October/November, 2020.
* Disbursal of payment is milestone based.

II. National Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation (NSKFDC)
State-wise details of training programmes sanctioned, funds allocated, training commenced and amount disbursed under PM DAKSH during F.Y. 2020-21 upto 17.03.2021
Sl. No. State Total no. sanctioned Funds allocated Training Commenced Amount disbursed
1 Andhra Pradesh* 100 400000 95 0.00
2 Assam 172 1376000 162 3.36
3 Bihar 1072 7744000 786 19.24
4 Chhattisgarh 264 1632000 186 5.82
5 Gujarat 264 1712000 0 0.00
6 Haryana 262 1536000 243 4.84
7 Himachal Pradesh 70 440000 59 1.96
8 Jammu & Kashmir 79 632000 63 2.52
9 Jharkhand* 207 1656000 110 0.00
10 Karnataka 213 1704000 59 2.36
11 Kerala* 345 2760000 0 0.00
12 Madhya Pradesh 750 4400000 499 8.98
13 Maharashtra 1160 8080000 1150 27.68
14 NCT of Delhi 173 1384000 173 1.32
15 Odisha* 192 1536000 109 0.00
16 Punjab 286 2920000 231 2.24
17 Rajasthan 739 5192000 694 2.00
18 Tamilnadu* 383 3064000 0 0.00
20 Tripura* 38 304000 37 0.00
21 Uttar Pradesh 2062 15296000 1984 55.84
22 Uttrakhand 225 1800000 120 0.00
23 West Bengal 944 5952000 804 14.62
Total 10000 71520000 7564 152.78
* The claim of the training programme is yet to be received.

III. National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC)
State/UT-wise details of training commenced and amount spent under PM-DAKSH Yojana, during the year 2020-21 (as on 17.03.2021)
Sl. No. Name of State/UT Number of trainees sanctioned Amount Allocated/ Sanctioned (Rs. in lakh) Training Programme commenced for number of trainees Amount Released (Rs. in lakh)
1 Andhra Pradesh 610 100.49 90 The training programmes have been commenced w.e.f. 15.02.2021. Some of the claims received from training institutes for release of fund, are under scrutiny.
2 Assam 375 85.03
3 Bihar 650 79.54 210
4 Chhattisgarh 255 40.63
5 Delhi 70 10.60 70
6 Gujarat 400 57.01 268
7 Haryana 200 43.84 70
8 Himachal Pradesh 140 20.14 60
9 Jammu & Kashmir 160 22.45 80
10 Jharkhand 60 3.96
11 Karnataka 870 102.82
12 Kerala 290 104.13 80
13 Madhya Pradesh 900 260.65 297
14 Maharashtra 460 74.32 190
15 Manipur 60 13.04
16 Odisha 270 38.88 60
17 Puducherry 50 4.24 16
18 Punjab 690 79.31 260
19 Rajasthan 1095 184.56 210
20 Tamil Nadu 400 47.17 30
21 Telangana 240 41.04 150
22 Tripura 25 1.43
23 Uttar Pradesh 2080 337.63 715
24 Uttarakhand 120 14.59
25 West Bengal 260 29.59 200
(a) Total 10730 1797.09 3056
(b) Add: Monitoring expenses @ 3% on (a) above 53.91
Grand Total (a + b) 1851.00
Note (i) Due to restrictions of COVID-19 pandemic, Skill Training programmes could only be sanctioned in the month of December, 2020 and January, 2021.
(ii) Release of fund is made on milestone basis as per Common Norms issued by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India.

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