(a) whether any proposal from Non-government Organisations has been approved under the Women and Child Development Scheme;

(b) if so, the total number of proposals from Non- government Organisations received during the last three years, year-wise and State-wise;

(c) the names alongwith the total number of the Non- government Organisations whose proposal have been accepted/rejected and are still lying pending till date; and

(d) the total amount allocated under sanctioned proposals during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Sir.

(b)&(c) The number of proposals received from NGOs and approved during the last three years, year-wise and State- wise is at Annexure-I.

The details of the NGOs to whom funds were released State-wise and Scheme-wise for the last three years are available in the respective Annual Report of the Department and Department’s web site

(d) Scheme-wise and year-wise allocation made in Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates and Actual Expenditure, during the last three years is at Annexure-II.



Proposals received Proposals approved

S.No.	Name of the	2002	2003	2004	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05	State
1.	Andhra Pradesh	4	10	4	-	- -
2.	Arunachal	4	8	12	Pradesh
3.	Assam	16	33	6 3	3 1
4.	Bihar	-	-	- -	- -
5.	Chattisgarh	-	-	- 1	- -
6.	Goa	-	-	-	-	- -
7.	Gujarat 3	3	34 -	- -
8.	Haryana 1	2	- -	- -
9.	Himachal 3	4	15	-	- -	Pradesh
10.	Jammu &	2	1	- -	- -	Kashmir
11.	Jharkhand	-	-	1 -	- -
12.	Karnataka 2	5	36 1	2 -
13.	Kerala 4	4	33 1	- 1
14.	Madhya Pradesh 2	2	9 -	- -
15.	Maharashtra 7	3	4 1	3 1
16.	Manipur 8	25	43 -	1 2
17.	Meghalaya -	-	1 -	- -
18.	Mizoram 1	7	1 1	- -
19.	Nagaland 8	13	78 1	2 -
20.	Orissa 7	3	5 3	- -
21.	Punjab 3	2	3 2	- -
22.	Rajasthan 1	10	33 2	1 -
23.	Sikkim 1	1	2 -	- -
24.	Tamil Nadu 4	1	6 -	- -
25.	Tripura 7	4	2 -	- -
26.	Uttaranchal 3	5	5 1	- -
27.	Uttar Pradesh	10 2	2 3	- -
28.	West Bengal -	5	21 1	- -	Union -	-	-	Territories
1.	A & Nicobar	-	-	-	Islands
2.	Chandigarh	-	-	-
3.	Dadra & Nagar -	-	-	Haveli
4.	Daman & Diu	-	-	-
5.	Delhi 3	-	-
6.	Lakshawdweep -	-	-
7	Pondicherry -	-	-	Total 104	153	356 21 12 5


Project Proposals received/Approved during the year 2002,2003 and 2004
2002 2003 2004
S.N Name of Rec. App. Rec. App. Rec. App. o. the State 1. Andhra 190 190 6 2 141 4 Pradesh 2. Assam 96 19 102 18 117 5 3. Manipur 55 31 95 22 327 15 4. Kerala 15 12 35 14 124 5 5. Karnataka 6 1 25 10 240 8 6. Nagaland 5 5 2 1 - - 7. West 88 70 26 13 289 25 Bengal 8. Maharashtra 21 9 83 25 147 12 9. Orissa 17 14 16 9 57 32 10. Gujarat - - 16 3 81 2 11. J&K 22 1 79 15 - - 12. Tamilnadu 26 14 62 10 57 4 13. Bihar - - - - 19 - 14. Haryana 18 2 28 17 46 12 15. Himachal - - 4 - 4 1 Pradesh 16. Madhya 181 37 10 - 89 14 Pradesh 17. Rajasthan - - 46 5 110 - 18. Punjab 17 - 17 6 52 2 19. Delhi - - - - 12 1 20. Uttar 519 137 208 69 5 1 Pradesh 21. Uttaranchal 17 1 38 17 63 10 22. Chhatisgarh - - 6 2 - - 23. Meghalaya - - 11 1 - - 24. Mizoram - - 44 - - - 25. Tripura - - 34 - 8 - 26. A.N. - - 10 - 6 - Islands 27. Arunachal - - 23 - 23 - Pradesh 28. Chandidgarh - - - - 4 - 29. Jharkhand - - - - 1 1 30. Goa - - - - 1 - 31. Sikkim - - - - 4 - Total 1293 543 1076 259 2027 153


S.No	Name of the State	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05	Prop. Sancd.	Prop.	Sancd. Prop. Sancd	Recd	Recd	Recd
1. Andhra Pradesh 3 1 4 21 10 2. Assam 12 3 13 2 3. Delhi 1 3 3 1 4. Gujrat 6 4 3 1 2 2 5. Haryana 3 1 6 6. Himachal Pradesh 3 7. Jammu & Kashmir 2 2 1 8. Karnataka 6 1 16 3 7 12 9. Kerala 3 1 10. Madhya Pradesh 2 1 2 11. Maharashtra 13 1 16 5 12. Mizoram 2 - 1 13. Manipur 7 18 1 10 9 14. Meghalaya 1 1 15. Nagaland 2 1 16. Orissa 10 10 1 30 20 17. Rajasthan 2 1 3 1 18. Tamilnadu 30 5 2 14 11 19 Triura 1 1 20. Uttar Pradesh 2 2 1 21. Uttaranchal 3 1 22. West Bengal 8 1 4 2 1 23. Chandigarh 1 Total 117 21 93 11 109 72

Scheme of Working Women’s Hostel
S.N	Name of	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05
o.	the State	Rec.	App.	Rec.	App.	Rec.	App.
1 Andhra 1 1 1 1 - - Pradesh 2 Assam - - - - 10 - 3 Chandigarh - - 1 1 - - 4 Haryana - - 1 1 1 - 5 Karnataka 2 2 2 2 2 - 6 Kerala 4 3 3 3 8 - 7 Madhya 1 1 - - 2 1 Pradesh 8 Maharashtra 4 4 2 1 1 - 9 Manipur - - - - 11 - 10 Mizoram - - 1 1 - - 11 Nagaland - - - - 29 - 12 Orissa - - - - 1 - 13 Punjab 1 1 - - - - 14 Tamil 4 3 3 3 1 1 Nadu 15 Uttar 3 3 - - 2 1 Pradesh 16 Uttaranchal 2 1 - - - - 17 West 2 2 2 - - - Bengal Total 24 21 14 13 68 3

Total Proposals received – 106
Total Proposals sanctioned - 37

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
S.N Name of Rec. App. Rec. App. Rec. App. o. the State 1 Andhra 15 1 24 1 35 6 Pradesh 2 Assam 14 1 4 1 53 2 3 Manipur 1 0 3 0 19 2 4 Kerala 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Karnataka 3 0 13 3 25 5 6 Nagaland 2 1 1 0 8 0 7 West 3 0 7 5 10 0 Bengal 8 Maharashtra 17 2 26 5 1 1 9 Orissa 5 1 4 0 10 2 10 Gujarat 0 0 0 0 5 0 11 J & K 2 0 2 0 2 0 12 Tamil 22 12 27 11 8 2 Nadu 13 Bihar 47 9 0 0 0 0 14 Haryana 0 1 3 0 0 0 15 Himachal 1 1 0 0 1 0 Pradesh 16 Madhya 18 6 15 5 0 0 Pradesh 17 Rajasthan 4 0 12 0 22 1 18 Delhi 2 0 0 0 0 0 19 Uttar 62 5 4 0 3 1 Pradesh 20 Uttaranchal 0 0 0 1 0 0 21 Mizoram 1 1 2 0 3 0 22 Tripura 1 0 1 0 0 0 23 Chandigarh 0 0 1 0 0 0 24 Pondicherry 0 0 0 0 2 0
Total 220 41 149 32 207 22

Sl.	Nameof	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05
No.	States
1.	Andhra	11	32	27	Pradesh
2.	Aurnachal	-	2	-	Pradesh
3.	Assam	16	15	5
4.	Bihar -	2	-
5.	Chattisgarh -	9	-
6.	Goa -	-	-
7	Gujrat 1	2	2
8.	Haryana 4	8	16
9.	Himachal -	1	-	Pradesh
10.	Jammu &	-	-	-	Kashmir
11.	Jharkhand	-	-	1
12.	Karnataka -	11	4
13.	Kerala -	-	-
14.	Madhya 1	4	1	Pradesh
15.	Maharashta	7	9	3
16.	Manipur -	2	15
17.	Meghalaya -	-	-
18.	Mizoram -	-	-
19.	Nagaland -	-	-
20.	Orissa -	2	-
21.	Punjab	-	-	-
22.	Rajasthan -	-	-
23.	Sikkim -	-	-
24.	Tamilnadu 4	25	7
25.	Tripura -	3	-
26.	Uttar Pradesh 3	12	-
27.	Uttranchal 1	-	2
28.	West Bengal 8	30	8
29.	A& N Islands	-	-	-
30.	Chandigarh -	2	5
31.	NCT of Delhi -	3	-
32.	D&N.Haveli -	-	-
33.	Daman & Diu -	-	-
34.	Lakshdweep -	-	-
35.	Pondicherry. -	-	-	Total 56	174	9br>



Name of the	No. of	No. of	No. of
State	proposals	proposals	proposals	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05
Rec. Sanc. Rec. Sanc. Rec. Sanc.
Andhra Pradesh 3 2 0 1 0 0 Assam 0 0 0 0 6 0 Chhatishgarh 0 0 0 0 2 0 Goa 1 0 0 0 0 0 Haryana 1 1 1 0 0 0 Karnataka 1 1 0 0 0 0 Maharashtra 11 1 7 0 4 5 Tamil Nadu 1 1 0 0 0 0 Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0 0 2 0 West Bengal 1 1 0 0 1 0 Delhi 1 1 0 0 0 0 Manipur 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pondicherry 1 1 0 0 0 0 TOTAL : 21 9 9 1 15 5

States	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05	Rec.	App.	Rec. App.	Rec. App.
Karnataka 1 1 - - - - Andhra Pradesh 3 1 - - - - Maharashtra 1 1 - - - 1 Assam - - 2 1 1 - Delhi - - 3 2 3 1 W.Bengal - - 2 - - - Orissa - - 1 - - - Manipur - - 4 - 6 - Tamil Nadu - - - - - 1 Total 5 3 12 3 10 3

Annexure – II

Department of Women and Child Development

Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates and Actual Expenditure for 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05 for different Schemes.
(Rs. in Crores)
Sl. Scheme 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 No. BE RE Exp. BE RE Exp. BE RE Exp.
1 STEP 25.00 25.00 21.2 1 25.02 11.50 13.78 25.09 18.00 17.82
2 Swawlamban 25.00 25.00 24.50 25.00 20.00 19.35 25.00 25.00 7.18
3 Swadahr 15.00 10.00 4.04 15.00 1.00 1.12 3.00 3.99 4.21
4 Hostels for 15.00 8.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 5.14 10.00 7.00 4.82 Working women
5 (i) Short Stay 15.00 11.00 10.42 15.00 34.35 13.69 15.00 14.40 13.76 Homes (Plan) (ii)Short Stay 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 Homes (Non- Plan)
6. (i) Creches 12.00 8.00 8.00 20.00 8.00 6.03 30.00 16.92 10.49 (Plan) (ii) Creches 15.00 15.00 14.67 14.50 14.40 13.19 14.00 13.33 9.81 (Non – Plan)
7. Social Defence (i) Trafficking of Women and 1.50 1.10 0.49 1.50 0.55 0.47 4.00 0.80 0.37 Children for CommercialSexual Exploitation and (ii)Innovative Projects for Child Welfare