Question : Targets under PMAY

(a) whether the Government has introduced Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) to provide houses to the homeless people;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the targets fixed and achievements made including number of households surveyed and the number of homeless families given houses under the said scheme during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Jharkhand;

(c) whether due to shortcomings in the survey conducted regarding the number of homeless families, several households remained deprived of this scheme and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) whether the Government proposes to provide houses to such households in near future by fixing year-wise targets and if so, the details thereof along with the further measures taken/to be taken to achieve the targets fixed under the scheme?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is implementing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) [PMAY(U)] since 25.06.2015 for providing assistance to States/Union Territories (UTs) in addressing the housing requirement in urban areas.
States/UTs have undertaken demand survey under the Scheme for assessing actual demand of housing. The validated demand reported so far by States/UTs is around 112 lakhs.
Total 83,68,861 houses have been sanctioned under the Scheme, out of this 48,37,466 are at various stages of construction and 26,13,799 houses are completed. State/UT-wise details of likely validated demand and houses sanctioned during each of the last three years & current year under the Scheme are at Annexure-I.

Further, the Ministry of Rural Development is implementing Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G) since 01.04.2016 in rural areas. Target set under the Scheme is construction of 2.95 crore houses in rural areas. As on 12.07.2019, total 1,05,54,674 houses have been sanctioned and 82,07,054 houses have been completed under the Scheme. State/UT-wise details are at Annexure-II.

(c) & (d): The objective of the Scheme is “Housing for All” by 2022. Year-wise targets have not been fixed under the PMAY(U) as the demand for housing is dynamic owing to factors like inclusion of new planning/development areas, rapid urbanisation, increase in working/employed population, new eligible beneficiaries on account of age etc.
State/UT Governments have however been requested to aggregate the accrued demand and get the project proposals for remaining demand for houses sanctioned by December, 2019 so that construction of all houses may progressively be completed by 2022.

Under the PMAY-G, the beneficiaries are identified based on the housing deprivation parameters prescribed in Socio Economic Caste Census (SECC)-2011 subject to exclusion criterion and after due verification by Gram Sabha.


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