Question : Construction of Toilets in Madarsas

(a) Whether the Government has any plan to construct toilets in Madarsas in the country, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government also plans to introduce mid-day meal scheme and upgrade skill of teachers in these educational centres as part of 3T formula, if so, the details thereof;
(c) the funds allocated for this purpose and the time by which toilets in Madarsas will be constructed; and
(d) the other steps taken by the Government to revamp Madarsas, the traditional learning centre?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF), an autonomous body working under the Ministry of Minority Affairs, has decided to provide Teachers/Teachers Training, Tiffin and Toilets (3Ts) in registered, recognized and reputed Madarsas following formal education like Science, Maths, English, etc. with the funds available with MAEF. Further, it has also decided to extend the benefit of Grants-in-Aid scheme of MAEF for construction of toilets under Swachh Vidyalaya scheme of MAEF to such Madarsas. This is a continuous programme of MAEF.

(d): Ministry of Human Resource Development is implementing a Scheme for Providing Education to Madarsas/Minorities (SPEMM). SPEMM is an Umbrella scheme which comprises of Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madrasa (SPQEM) and Infrastructural Development in Minority Institutions (IDMI).


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