Question : Vacancy in Gujarat Maritime Board

(a) whether many posts in Gujarat Maritime Board including principal Marine Officer remained vacant for so many years which is adversely affecting the working of the Board;
(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto;
(c) the details of the steps being taken by the Government to fill all the vacant posts in the Board; and
(d) the details of the outcome achieved in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d) The details of class wise sanctioned & filled up posts as on 31.10.2019 in Gujarat Maritime Board is annexed. There is no post of Principal Marine Engineer in the approved set-up of Gujarat Maritime Board. In accordance with the prevailing BOOT policy of the Government, the privatization of the ports is being under taken at large and hence, the role of Gujarat Maritime Board has shifted from developer to regulator. The vacant post are filled up as per the requirement after due approval from Government of Gujarat from time to time.


Annexure to Unstarred Question No. 1730 to be answered on 28.11.2019 asked by SHRIMATI POONAMBEN MAADAM and SHRIMATI RANJEETA KOLI; regarding ‘VACANCY IN GUJARAT MARITIME BOARD’
<pre> Class Sanctioned Filled Vacant
1. I 88 49 39
2. II 185 94 91
3. III 784 341 443
4. IV 778 511 267
Total 1835 995 840


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