Question : Setting up of Power Projects

(a) whether the Government proposes to set up power projects in collaboration with neighbouring countries and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of rules made to ensure the protection of the property and lives of people affected by the projects; and

(c) the details of posts of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes currently lying vacant in NTPC and NHPC along with the time by which these are likely to be filled?

Answer given by the minister



(a) : India is collaborating for power projects with the following neighbouring countries:


A 1320 MW (2 x 660 MW) coal-based Maitree Super Thermal Power Project at Rampal in Bangladesh is under construction through Bangladesh India Friendship Power Corporation Limited (BIFPCL), a 50:50 joint venture company between NTPC and Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB).


Pokhra (1 MW), Trisuli (21 MW),Western Gandak (15 MW) and Devighat (14.1 MW) Projects have been implemented with Indian assistance. In addition, SJVNL is constructing 900 MW Arun-III HEP, which is scheduled for commissioning by year 2022-23.

In addition to above, following Hydropower projects of mutual interest are under discussion:

Projects Installed Capacity & Status
Pancheshwar with Rupaligad (4800 + 240) MW
Sapta Kosi High Dam and Sunkosi Diversion cum Storage 3300 MW

Muzzafarpur (India) – Dhalkebar (Nepal) D/c 400kV transmission line has been completed with collaboration of both India and Nepal.

Further, the Indian portion of Gorakhpur (India) –Butwal (Nepal) 400kV D/c Cross Border transmission line is being proposed for implementation with 50:50 Joint venture of Nepal Electricity Authority and an Indian PSU.


Chukha HEP (336MW), Kurichu HEP (60MW), Tala HEP (1020MW) and Mangdechhu (MHPA) (720 MW) Projects have been implemented with Indian assistance (under inter-governmental mode of Implementation). The transmission systems associated with these projects have also been implemented with Indian assistance.

Punatsangchhu-I (1200MW) HEP, and Punatsangchhu II HEP (1020MW) are under construction Projects with Indian assistance (under inter-governmental mode of Implementation).

In addition to the above, following Hydro projects are proposed for implementation with Indian assistance:

S.No. Name of the Project Installed capacity (MW)
1. Kholongchu 600
2. Chamkharchu – I (Digala) 770
3. Bunakha 180
4. Wangchu 570
5. Sankosh 2585
6. Kuri Gongri 2640
7. Amochu Reservoir 540

Sri Lanka
Trincomalee Power Co. Ltd (TPCL) was formed for setting up 2X250 MW coal based power plant in Trincomalee Region in Sri Lanka.

Further, on request from GoSL, proposal has been modified for putting up 300 MW LNG project at Kerawalapitiya near Colombo & 50 MW solar PV project at Sampur in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.

Joint Venture and Shareholder Agreement (JVSHA) between NTPC Ltd. and Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) has been signed on 25.10.2019 at Colombo, Sri Lanka, for incorporation of a 50:50 Joint Venture (JV) company, for development of the proposed 300 MW LNG Power Project at Kerawalapitiya, Sri Lanka.

In addition, a 50 MW solar PV power project at Sampur, Trincomalee is envisaged to be developed by the existing JV Trincomalee Power Co. Ltd.

(b) : The relevant rules/ regulations as prevalent in the neighbouring countries, where the power projects have been/ are to be developed are followed as and when such projects are set up. The people affected due to land acquisition are compensated for their loss of property and loss of livelihood as per the extant Land Acquisition Act/ Policy Guidelines of respective countries, where such Project(s) is/ are coming up.

(c) : As regards NTPC, the details of posts of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes lying vacant in NTPC as on 01.01.2020 are as below:

Group Scheduled Castes (SC) Scheduled Tribes (ST)
A 04 08
B 00 00
C 05 157
D 01 15

The vacant posts are likely to be filled by 31.12.2020. Backlog of Group C and Group D vacancies exists mostly at Sipat which are due to non-availability of ST candidates amongst landoustees (as there is an agreement with the State Government to recruit only landoustees) and at Ramagundam, where recruitment process is sub judice.

As far as NHPC is concerned, the details of posts of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes lying vacant are as under:
Group SC ST
A 12 15
B 02 01
C - -
D - -

The above vacancies shall be filled in the upcoming recruitment exercise.


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