(a) the details of the total land transferred to individuals, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions out of the land acquired for Bokaro Steel Plant;

(b) whether the beneficiaries have been allocated land on lease during the last three years till date;

(c) if so, the year-wise details thereof and the period for which the land was allotted on lease;

(d) the criteria adopted for the allotment of land;

(e) whether the provisions of land Acquisition Act, 1894 have been violated; and

(f) if so, the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As per Company policy, no land has been transferred to individuals, non-governmental organizations and educational institutions out of the land acquired for Bokaro Steel Plant.

(b) Yes, Madam.

(c) The year-wise details of allotment of land on lease is given below:

Year Plot Holder Area Date of Lease Term (Sq.Ft.) Allotment Agreement (Years)

2007-08 NIL
2008-09 PC Aggarwal 863.39 15.07.2008 01.10.2008 33
Amit Reality 87120 07.02.2009 05.09.2009 33 Mahabir 21780 07.02.2009 Not Executed 33 Enterprises Kamla 87120 07.02.2009 Not Executed 33 Construction Catholic 10890 12.02.2009 02.01.2010 33 Church
2009-10 NIL
2010-11 NIL (Till date)

(d) The land has been allotted at different period of time as per the norms. However, Clause 4.1.1 of the allotment manual of Bokaro Steel Plant states the eligibility for applicant as follows:

i. Applicant must be 18 years of age on the date of application.
ii. In case of the plots of size upto 500 sq.m. following persons are not eligible:
# A person who has been allotted a plot or a shop by Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL).
# A person who has existing lease hold interest in a plot/existing license for a shop allotted by BSL.
# A person who was leased out a plot and has transferred/assigned the lease hold interest to somebody else.
# A person who was allotted/leased out a plot either in his/her name in the capacity of an individual or a partner in partnership firm or proprietor of a company.
iii. A person or his/her dependent employed in Government, semi-Government or PSU are not eligible.

(e) No, Madam.

(f) Does not arise.