Question : Residential Schools for Tribal Students

(a) the details of the central schemes being implemented to promote residential schools for tribal students, State-wise including Gujarat;
(b) the amount of financial assistance provided during the last three years, State-wise including Gujarat;
(c) whether the Government proposes to formulate any scheme to set up schools for providing compulsory education in tribal areas of the country including Gujarat; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Ministry of Tribal Affairs, inter-alia, administers the scheme of Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS), Ashram schools / residential schools for tribal students and ‘Aid to Voluntary Organisations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes’ to promote residential schools for tribal students across the country including the State of Gujarat. These schemes are aimed to bridge the literacy gap between Scheduled Tribe (ST) population and other social groups by providing support through education.
(b) The financial assistance provided during the last three years under the above mentioned schemes, State-wise including Gujarat, is attached at Annexure-I, II and III respectively.
(c) & (d) Presently, no such proposal is under consideration.


Annexure I
Annexure I as referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Qs No.†12 for 18.11.2019
Statement showing fund released to the States across the country, including Gujarat, for EMRSs for the last three years
(Rs. in lakhs)
S.N. States 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Total Release EMRS Total Release EMRS Total Release EMRS
1 Andhra Pradesh 680.40 3791.11 1994.00
2 Arunachal Pradesh 698.93 4550.80 683.60
3 Assam 200.00 0.00 736.00
4 Bihar 1000.00 900.00 0.00
5 Chhattisgarh 6431.47 5999.00 6886.25
7 Gujarat 4552.26 6580.78 7963.78
8 Himachal Pradesh 88.20 688.02 1275.15
9 Jammu & Kashmir 1955.19 800.00 2634.68
10 Jharkhand 5332.61 4026.00 5668.08
11 Karnataka 999.60 896.38 1780.59
12 Kerala 221.76 644.02 769.00
13 Madhya Pradesh 5770.92 7007.28 7087.06
14 Maharashtra 5112.00 5938.40 4331.35
15 Manipur 1619.40 1141.40 1841.55
16 Meghalaya 200.00 0.00 2105.15
17 Mizoram 168.00 1554.78 2629.16
18 Nagaland 583.96 1897.60 1174.54
19 Odisha 4942.80 7242.80 4314.80
20 Rajasthan 2433.80 2970.00 4162.25
21 Sikkim 905.00 416.50 662.12
22 Tamil Nadu 798.00 1420.80 1218.40
23 Telangana 1344.00 4394.57 3541.83
24 Tripura 1165.80 1969.50 1555.20
25 Uttar Pradesh 689.00 952.00 1145.45
26 Uttarakhand 0.00 1687.06 902.80
27 West Bengal 1049.16 1049.16 3767.13
Total 48942.26 68517.96 70829.92

Annexure II
Annexure II as referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Qs No.†12 for 18.11.2019
Statement showing fund released to the States across the country, including Gujarat, for Ashram schools / residential schools during the last three years under the scheme of SCA to TSS for the last three years
S.No. States Amount released
(Rs. in Lakh)
FY 2016-17
1 Andhra Pradesh 1675.00
2 Bihar 333.00
3 Chhattisgarh 410.00
4 Gujarat 500.00
5 Jharkhand 1800.00
6 Karnataka 2500.00
7 Kerala 70.00
8 Maharashtra 1500.00
Total 8788.00

FY 2017-18
1 Bihar 9.42
2 West Bengal 925.97
3 Jharkhand 1200.00
4 Madhya Pradesh 3716.11
5 Telangana 500.00
6 Maharashtra 2589.00
7 Chhattisgarh 3510.50
8 Odisha 1400.00
9 Tamil Nadu 108.00
10 Karnataka 1181.85
Total 15140.85

FY 2018-19
1 Maharashtra 630.96
2 Nagaland 300.00
Total 930.96

Annexure III
Annexure III as referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Qs No.†12 for 18.11.2019
(Amount in Rs)
S.No. Name of States 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

1 ANDHRA PRADESH 8082266 12645517 6997009
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 20401470 28043500 26136166
3 ASSAM 902616 1245932 1351107
4 CHHATTISGARH 1616670 1473660 4295678
5 GUJARAT 1566270 - 3344680
6 HIMACHAL PRADESH 25198436 19495010 24249465
7 JAMMU & KASHMIR - 1968601 1968822
8 JHARKHAND 10396385 27070478 63258255
9 KARNATAKA 22515920 12765189 23761503
10 KERALA 5819850 2984400 4185148
11 MADHYA PRADESH 6151774 3246525 22115947
12 MAHARASHTRA 14470861 27808009 26590859
13 MANIPUR 34443764 22183722 17278548
14 MIZORAM 3325320 4889324 7446706
15 ODISHA 26959191 88578592 181797083
16 RAJASTHAN 1537268 1449967 1406862
17 SIKKIM 2930310 7943692 6605777
18 TAMIL NADU 1562854 - 9601451
19 TELANGANA 63786629 7676131 5363885
20 TRIPURA 6602040 3261804 5771765
21 UTTAR PRADESH 1582272 3164929 0
22 UTTRAKHAND 9596105 1268370 8003461
23 WEST BENGAL 13289733 48581513 35059166
TOTAL 282738004 327744865 486589343

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