(a) whether an expert committee was set up to review, Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the percentage of students who have opted for MDMS in various States, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government has received suggestions for excluding teachers from MDMS and if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor along with the reaction of the Government thereto;

(d) the details of number of cases of adulterated food supplied to children under MDMS during the last one year, till date in various States, State-wise and the action taken against those found responsible; and

(e) the total amount sanctioned and expenditure incurred by the States/UTs for MDMS during the current year, till date?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes Madam, An Expert Committee headed by Dr. Prema Ramachandran, Director, Nutrition Foundation of India, New Delhi was setup on 31st December, 2012 to examine the current norms for quantity and quality of food to assess the nutrient adequacy of varying menu currently used for providing MDM etc. The Expert Committee submitted its report in the month of August, 2014. The recommendations of the committee have been shared with the States / UTs during Education Secretaries Conference held on 26th August, 2014. The Expert Committee recommended checking by the community of ingredients of mid-day meal for prevention of micro biological contamination and mandatory testing of meal at kitchen level and from the farthest school served by centralised kitchen especially in the month of July to September.

(b) The MDM Guidelines envisage that all the children attending the schools are eligible for mid-day meal on all school working days. The State-wise percentage of children availed MDM is given at Annexure-I.

(c) & (d) As per the MDM Guidelines, the role of the teacher is to taste the meal before it is served to the children and to supervise that children take their meals in an orderly manner. No case has been reported by States / UTs regarding supply of adulterated food to children under MDMS during the last one year.

(e) The release of Central Assistance and expenditure incurred during the current year by the States / UTs is given at Annexure-II.

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