Question : Mismanagement of Hockey

(a) whether the Government is aware of the imbroglio in the administration of hockey in India, if so, the details of corrective steps taken in this regard;

(b) whether FIH has wrongly transferred the
membership of IHC to Hockey India, a non-existent body, till then, if so, the reaction of the Government thereto;

(c) whether the recognition enjoyed by IHF was subsequently restored in view of Hon''ble High Court''s judgement, if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether Hockey India has declared itself as a private bodys and therefore cannot be treated as a National Sports Federation (NSF), if so, the reaction of the Government thereto; and

(e) whether the Government has taken note of mismanagement of hockey affairs frequently seen in summary dismissal of coaches and players, if so, the details of action proposed to be taken against the illegal actions of Hockey India?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Madam, no such matter has been brought to the notice of the Government.
(b) Grant of membership to a sports body of any sports discipline in a country is the prerogative of the international federation for that sport and Government has no role in the matter.

(c) No specific order for restoration of recognition to IHF was issued by the Govt.

(d) Hockey India is a body registered on 20-5-2009 under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Grant of recognition to the National Sports Federation is governed by the provisions of National Sports Development Code of India-2011.

(e) Madam, NSFs are bodies registered under the Societies Registration Act / Companies Act and are regulated by their own constitutions. Government does not interfere in their day to day activities. Whenever a case of any gross irregularity in an NSF is brought to notice, action as per rules is taken by the Government.

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