Question : Security of Smart Cities

Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the ambitious project of hundred smart cities is going to change the urban landscape and lifestyle in the country and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether security is likely to be an integral part of smart city projects and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether keeping in view new threats of terrorism, organized crimes and cyber attacks, securing the cities, remains an equally important and big challenge and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) whether the Government is contemplating to secure smart cities under one command centre in the country and if so, the details thereof ?

Answer given by the minister



(a): The objective of Smart Cities Mission is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure such as adequate water supply, assured electricity supply, sanitation including solid waste management, efficient urban mobility and public transport, etc. to give a clean and sustainable environment and decent quality of life to its citizens through application of ‘Smart’ solutions. 100 cities have been selected under the Mission for development as Smart Cities.

The strategic components of Smart City initiative are Area-based development (ABD) wherein certain areas are taken up for development either on greenfield/retrofitting/redevelopment models through integration of the physical, social, institutional and economic infrastructure and Pan-city development wherein cities are implementing at least one or more smart solutions in areas of priority for the entire city.

Some of the key initiatives being implemented by smart Cities include Integrated Command and Control Centres (ICCCs), Complete Streets projects which focus on developing pedestrian friendly and cycle-friendly infrastructure, Solar Rooftop projects, Smart Water and Waste Water projects, development of vibrant urban spaces (parks, waterfronts, upgrading local tourist destinations, preserving local heritage) etc.

(b) & (c): As per the Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines, one of the core infrastructure elements in a Smart City is safety and security of citizens, particularly, women, children and the elderly. Accordingly, Integrated Command and Control Centres are being set up by the cities to achieve the objectives of the Mission. Devices such as Close Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, Emergency call box/panic buttons etc. are being installed throughout the city as well as on public transport services for monitoring of the city through ICCCs. In addition, some cities have developed mobile applications and helplines to respond to incidents of crime. The Ministry has also circulated Cyber Security framework developed by National Security Council Secretariat, Government of India among all States/Smart cities to be considered while implementation of Solutions for Smart cities.

(d): At present, there is no proposal for securing Smart cities under one command centre in the country.


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