(a) the details of Central and World Bank grant for the centrally and World Bank aided projects for plantation and forestry operations in the country during the last three years and thereafter, State-wise and project-wise;

(b) whether the Government have received any complaints regarding non-utilization/misutilization of the said funds particularly in the Nagpur division of Maharashtra;

(c) if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and

(d) the follow up action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The State-wise details of the grants released under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes during the last three years for afforestation and related activities are given in Annexure I. The details of amount reimbursed by the World Bank in respect of aided forestry projects for last three years are given in Annexure II.

(b) No, Sir.

(c) & (d) Do not arise.

Annexure I

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3159 for 5-08-2002 regarding Utilisation of Funds meant for Forest Development.

State-wise and project wise details of the grants released under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes during the last three years for aforestation and related activities.

(Rs. in Lakhs)
Sl.No Scheme Name of State 99-2000 2000-01 2001-02 Total
1 Association of Sheduled Tribes and Rural Poor in Regeneration of Degraded Forests on Usufruct Sharing Basis.
Andhra Pradesh 19.66 21.76 74.83 116.25 Arunachal Pr 8.18 22.81 32.82 63.81 Bihar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Chhatisgarh 0.00 40.00 64.71 104.71 Gujarat 15.00 32.76 22.23 69.99 Jammu & Kashmir 16.00 47.08 23.99 87.07 Jharkhand 0.00 19.52 44.95 64.47 Karnataka 38.72 25.00 50.05 113.77 Madhya Pradesh 50.00 30.00 58.03 138.03 Maharashtra 37.94 20.10 17.78 75.82 Manipur 26.33 25.00 10.00 61.33 Mizoram 18.02 19.98 14.28 52.28 Nagaland 0.00 9.80 0.00 9.80 Orissa 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rajasthan 32.06 25.00 39.35 96.41 Sikkim 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 Tamil Nadu 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tripura 8.00 9.25 12.90 30.15 West Bengal 7.06 7.61 4.09 18.76
TOTAL 1132.62
2 Area Oriented Fuelwood and Fodder Project
Andhra Pradesh 69.92 146.38 142.77 359.07 Arunachal Pr. 7.00 9.28 11.60 27.88 Assam 89.69 42.83 69.06 201.58 Bihar 190.94 30.00 0.00 220.94 Chhatisgarh 0.00 0.00 88.20 88.20 Goa 5.69 2.89 7.60 16.18 Gujarat 212.45 206.27 170.56 589.28 Haryana 265.69 323.20 296.03 884.92 Himachal Pr. 181.78 132.96 83.18 397.92 Jammu & Kashmir 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jharkhand 0.00 0.00 119.92 119.92 Karnataka 153.70 80.00 203.45 437.15 Kerala 75.61 65.03 48.57 189.21 Madhya Pradesh 388.13 300.00 233.35 921.48 Maharashtra 120.91 37.34 42.37 200.62 Manipur 127.54 47.98 50.00 225.52 Mizoram 173.22 147.81 48.11 369.14 Nagaland 10.87 9.00 0.00 19.87 Orissa 116.53 96.12 42.33 254.98 Punjab 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rajasthan 160.00 7.18 38.69 205.87 Sikkim 69.52 55.54 46.51 171.57 Tamil Nadu 93.03 100.59 127.75 321.37 Tripura 0.00 60.00 52.58 112.58 Uttar Pradesh 221.78 118.22 108.37 448.37 Uttranchal 107.24 35.21 41.66 184.11 West Bengal 197.10 198.61 156.38 552.09
TOTAL 7519.82
3 Integrated Afforestation and Eco-development Projects Scheme
Andhra Pradesh 149.65 246.56 228.20 624.41 Arunachal Pr 57.87 61.99 86.36 206.22 Assam 67.15 52.25 26.05 145.45 Jharkhand 60.69 47.56 52.51 160.76 Chhatisgarh 74.82 49.98 37.05 161.85 Gujarat 58.94 221.45 398.17 678.56 Haryana 81.29 77.60 30.01 188.90 Himachal Pr. 37.92 78.91 64.00 180.83 Jammu & Kashmir 364.09 326.85 447.79 1138.73 Jharkhand 60.69 47.56 52.31 160.56 Karnataka 160.36 167.43 151.49 479.28 Kerala 346.14 486.09 390.86 1223.09 Madhya Pradesh 278.01 277.68 237.37 793.06 Maharashtra 17.18 225.68 101.07 343.93 Manipur 468.73 328.11 197.22 994.06 Meghalaya 10.21 14.70 0.00 24.91 Mizoram 147.56 149.42 68.39 365.37 Nagaland 38.60 93.64 114.23 246.47 Orissa 239.66 729.00 681.24 1649.90 Punjab 28.62 0.00 0.00 28.62 Rajasthan 376.57 432.67 291.34 1100.58 Sikkim 109.82 183.01 110.25 403.08 Tamil Nadu 0.00 84.55 100.00 184.55 Tripura 37.77 91.51 51.33 180.61 Uttar Pradesh 37.68 60.86 29.08 127.62 Uttranchal 330.03 335.54 369.11 1034.68 West Bengal 170.64 121.60 240.91 533.15 Pondicherry 0.00 20.12 0.00 20.12 TOTAL 13379.35
4 Non Timber Forest Products including Medicinal Plants Scheme
Andhra Pradesh 119.13 168.00 318.17 605.30 Arunachal Pr. 30.00 10.00 38.10 78.10 Assam 25.00 84.00 85.53 194.53 Bihar 0.00 60.00 0.00 60.00 Chhatisgarh 0.00 20.52 90.00 110.52 Goa 12.13 32.06 18.47 62.66 Gujarat 116.65 191.62 139.97 448.24 Haryana 29.44 44.35 59.33 133.12 Himachal Pr. 32.19 34.99 67.54 134.72 J & Kashmir 187.85 133.00 275.91 596.76 Karnataka 51.34 81.63 72.24 205.21 Kerala 13.10 45.50 44.03 102.63 Madhya Pradesh 77.50 166.98 96.06 340.54 Maharashtra 0.00 127.00 66.00 193.00 Manipur 53.94 118.37 0.00 172.31 Meghalaya 0.00 42.39 25.47 67.86 Mizoram 53.45 97.82 82.84 234.11 Nagaland 0.00 64.00 37.00 101.00 Orissa 86.08 162.20 121.37 369.65 Punjab 0.00 25.00 20.00 45.00 Rajasthan 116.21 139.40 234.40 490.01 Sikkim 102.00 205.24 167.53 474.77 Tamil Nadu 0.00 54.75 19.00 73.75 Tripura 17.25 26.96 12.48 56.69 Uttar Pradesh 5.00 78.00 17.87 100.87 West Bengal 71.74 79.00 88.64 239.38
TOTAL 5690.73

Annexure II

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3159 for 5-08-2002 regarding Utilisation of Funds meant for Forest Development.

State-wise and Project-wise details of amount reimbursed during the last three years in respect of World Bank aided forestry projects.
(Rs. in crores)
Name of the Project Name of the State Amount reimbursed during
1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002
Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project Andhra Pradesh 70.69 38.55 - Kerala Forestry Project Kerala 20.63 25.29 14.56 Madhya Pradesh Forestry Project Madhya Pradesh 79.58 - - Maharashtra Forestry Project Maharashtra 34.39 - -
Uttar Pradesh Forestry Project now Uttar Pradesh 29.11 33.84 15.85 renamed as Uttar Pradesh-Uttaranchal (inclusive of Forestry Project expenditure for Uttaranchal)