(a) the eligibility criteria for availing benefits under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and the role of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) thereunder;

(b) the details of funds allocated/ released/utilized and the number of beneficiaries under JSY along with the percentage decline in infant/maternal mortaility rate as a result of this scheme during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether any irregularities have been reported under this scheme in the country and if so, the details thereof along with the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard, State/UT-wise;

(d) whether the Government has any proposal to relax eligibility parameters for availing facilities under the scheme and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to widen the scope of the JSY to enable more and more pregnant women opt for institutional delivery?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The present eligibility criteria to receive JSY benefits is as follows:

Eligibility criteria for institutional delivery

Low Performing States (LPS) - Uttar Pradesh, All pregnant women delivering Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, in general wards of government Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Orissa, and health centres or accredited Jammu and Kashmir private health facility.
High Performing States (HPS)- All BPL / Scheduled Caste / Scheduled remaining States/UTs Tribe women delivering in general wards of government health centre or accredited private health facility.
Eligibility criteria for home delivery

In all States (LPS and HPS) BPL pregnant women who prefer to deliver at home.
Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) under JSY are expected to:
1. Identify pregnant woman as a beneficiary of the scheme and report or facilitate registration for ANC,
2. Assist the pregnant woman to obtain necessary certifications wherever necessary,
3. Provide and / or help the women in receiving at least three ANC checkups including TT injections, IFA tablets,
4. Identify a functional Government health centre or an accredited private health institution for referral and delivery,
5. Counsel for institutional delivery,
6. Escort the beneficiary women to the pre-determined health center and stay with her till the woman is discharged,

7.Arrange to immunize the newborn till the age of 14 weeks,

8. Inform about the birth or death of the child or mother to the ANM/MO,

9. Post natal visit within 7 days of delivery to track mother’s health after delivery and facilitate in obtaining care, wherever necessary,

10. Counsel for initiation of breastfeeding to the newborn within one-hour of delivery and its continuance till 3-6 months and promote family planning.

(b): Details of funds allocated and utilized under JSY is at Annexure-1.

The number of beneficiaries reported under JSY is at Annexure-2.

JSY is considered as one of the important factors in reduction of infant and maternal mortality. Infant and Maternal mortality figures State/UT-wise are at Annexre-3 & 4 respectively.

(c): One instance of irregularity under JSY has come to the notice of the Ministry wherein an ANM from Gogrud Subcentre in Udaipur district of Rajasthan, had claimed JSY benefits in the name of fictitious beneficiaries. For proper implementation of the scheme, the Ministry has issued following instructions to State Governments:

# To ensure fast and seamless flow of funds under JSY from State headquarters to District and further to Block PHCs and Sub-centre levels and payment of cash assistance before discharge of pregnant women after delivery;

# Setting up of grievance redressal cells for prompt redressal of all grievances;

# Public display of names of all JSY beneficiaries in health facilities on a monthly basis so as to ensure transparency and check fraudulent payments;

# Payment of cash assistance under JSY to all beneficiaries only through account payee cheques/Direct Benefit Transfer mode;

# Physical verification of beneficiaries by State and District officials in a random manner in order to check fictitious payments;

Further periodic verification of beneficiaries and assessment of the scheme is being done by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare through the Regional Evaluation Teams (RETs) of the Regional Directorates.

The Ministry has also decided to conduct annual transaction audit of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) through the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) in all the States from the Financial Year 2011-12 in order to facilitate independent monitoring and to take corrective measures to control financial irregularities.

(d) & (e): The Government has relaxed the eligibility parameters for availing JSY benefit and enhanced the extent of the scheme to enable more pregnant women to give birth in a health facility. The conditions of age of mother i.e. 19 years or above and upto two children have been removed in High Performing States for institutional delivery. Also, these conditionalities of age of mother and number of children have been removed for BPL pregnant women preferring to deliver at home in all the States/UTs.