Question : Milk Production by Industrial Houses

(a) whether the big industrial houses of the country including multinational companies have started playing a special role in the milk production sector due to its constant development and expansion in the last one decade;
(b) if so, the total number of domestic and foreign industrial houses engaged in the said sector in the country by the end of December, 2015;
(c) the average amount of capital investment of these industrial houses in the sector; and
(d) the details of the average annual quantity and the value of milk transacted by these industrial houses?

Answer given by the minister


a to d): As per information received from Food Safety and Standards Authority of India(FSSAI), no separate data for milk production by big industrial houses/ multinational companies in the country is maintained or available. However, 349 licences have been granted by Central Licensing Authority and 1091 licence have been granted by State Licencing Authorities under Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 for Milk Production Units in the country.
Dairy farming in India is pursued as an adjunct to agriculture. Most of milk in the country is produced by small and marginal farmers. About 48% of the milk produced in the country is surplus and available for marketing. 28% of total milk production handled by unorganised sector and 20% is handled by the organised sector, equally shared by Cooperatives and Private dairies.
As a result of prudent policies of Government, India continue to be the largest milk producing country. The milk production in the country increased from 121.8 Million tonnes in 2010-11 to 146.3 million tones in 2014-15. It indicates an average annual increase of 4.7% over the last five years. The dairy cooperatives increased its milk collection from 26.2 million kgs per day in the 2010-11 to 37.95 million Kgs per day during 2014-15. It indicates an average annual growth of 9.8%in milk procurement by Dairy Cooperatives over last five years. It represents, the Cooperative Dairy sector has grown significantly during last five years. The cooperative sector plays a major role in supplying liquid milk in the domestic market. However, Private sector is equally involved in Milk collection and largely engaged in Milk Product manufacturing like Milk Powder, Ghee, butter etc.


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