Question : Chennai Port Trust

(a) whether the Government has started "Project Green Ports" to help in making the major ports across the country cleaner and greener, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether there are plans for time bound implementation of the project in order to achieve the targets;
(c) if so, the details thereof along with the ports declared/proposed to be declared as green ports; and
(d) the total funds earmarked for the purpose?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(c): Yes, Madam. The details of activities and timeline under Green Port Initiatives and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are enclosed at Annexure-I and Annexure-II, respectively.
(d) While no fund has been earmarked for the year 2015-16, the ports will take appropriate action from their own funds to carry out the action plan.


S. No. Activities Responsible Officers in Ports Time line
1. Preparation of Environment Management & Monitoring Plan (EMMP) or Green Plan; Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager/CE 31.3.2016
2. For acquiring equipments required for monitoring environmental pollution; Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager 31.3.2016
3. For acquiring dust suppression system; Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager 31.3.2016
4. For setting up of sewage/waste water treatment plants/garbage disposal plant; Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Estate Officer 30.6.2016
5. For plantation; Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager/Estate Officer 31.3.2016
6. For setting up projects for energy generation from renewable energy sources; Chairman/Deputy Chairman/CME/CE 30.6.2016
7. Use of bio-diesel and any other activity which is part of EMMP. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager 30.6.2016
8. Completion of shortfalls of Oil Spill Response (OSR) facilities (Tier-I). Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager 30.6.2016
9. Improve Quality of Harbour Waters. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager 30.6.2016
10. Implement of sustainable practices in Terminal Design, Development and Operations. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/CE 30.6.2016
11. Prohibition of disposal of almost all kinds of garbages sea Chairman/Deputy Chairman 31.3.2016
12. Provision of adequate reception facilities in ships as per IMO guidelines & resolution Chairman/Deputy Chairman 31.3.2016


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S. No. Activities Responsible Officers in Ports Time line
1. Cleaning the wharf Chairman/Deputy Chairman 31.3.2016
2. Cleaning and repair of sheds. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Traffic Manager 31.3.2016
3. Auction & disposal of all unserviceable items. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Traffic Manager/CE/CME/
Estate Officer 31.1.2016
4. Auction of all unclaimed goods. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Traffic Manager 31.1.2016
5. Painting with uniform colour code (unique to a port) all signages& boards. Chairman/Deputy Chairman 31.1.2016
6. Cleaning & repair of Port roads. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Traffic Manager 31.3.2016
7. Painting road signs, zebra crossings, pavement edges etc. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Traffic Manager 31.1.2016
8. Neat paving of the pavements & cement furniture along pavements. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/CE/CME 31.3.2016
9. Beautification & cleaning of parks. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.3.2016
10. Coverings Tiles, Moran, wooden chips in open areas after providing green’ spaces. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.3.2016
11. Modernizing all Toilet complexes in the operational area and clean all the Toilets. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.3.2016
12. Placing dust bins (of uniform colour preferably green) at regular intervals (50 meters’ interval) Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.1.2016
13. Boards – indicating cleanliness messages – Dos & Don’ts. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.1.2016
14. Painting / whitewashing all office buildings & residences with proper colour code. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.3.2016
15. Cleaning & Painting of statues, if any. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.3.2016
16. Cleaning & repairing of all drainages & storm water system. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Estate Officer 31.3.2016
17. Plantation in open areas, avenues and corners. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/
Traffic Manager/Estate Officer 31.3.2016
18. Award to departments or officers whose area/jurisdiction is most neat & clean. Chairman/Deputy Chairman 31.3.2016
19. Regular training to staff to generate awareness and inculcate the importance of a clean environment. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Traffic Manager/CE/CME/
Secretary/Estate Officer 31.3.2016
20. Removing unnecessary vegetation. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Estate Officer 31.3.2016

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