(a) whether approximately 40 per cent of the population or 480 million people reportedly carry the TB bug within their body in the country and if so, the facts in this regard;

(b) whether as per some reports, 55 per cent TB cases in attributable to under nutrition/ malnutrition in the country and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether a number of experts have urged to stress on the need for country`s TB control programme to take into account the role of social conditions such as rising inequity, malnutrition, poverty and overcrowding in the spread of TB;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the response of the Government thereto; and

(e) the measures being taken by the Government for effective diagnosis, treatment and vaccination programme for control of tuberculosis in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a): It is estimated that around 40 percent of Indian population is infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, the bacteria that Causes TB in human beings, but the vast majority of them have latent TB infection rather than TB Disease. According to latest WHO estimates, the incidence of TB disease in India is around 2.1 million cases annually.

(b) to (e): Malnutrition/under nutrition, which reduces immunity, make a person susceptible to many diseases, including TB. Social determinants like poverty, overcrowding, poor ventilation, under nutrition, etc., have a role in spread of TB.

Under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), diagnosis and treatment facilities including anti-TB drugs are provided free of cost to all TB patients. Designated microscopy centres have been established for quality diagnosis for every one lakh population in the general areas and for every 50,000 population in the tribal, hilly and difficult areas. More than 13000 microscopy centres have been established in the country. More than six lakh treatment centres (DOT Centres) have been established near to residence of patients to the extent possible. All government hospitals, Community Health Centres (CHC ), Primary Health Centres (PHC ), sub centres are DOT centres. In addition NGOs, Private Practitioners (PPs) involved under the RNTCP, community volunteers, Anganwadi workers, women self-help groups etc. also function as DOT providers/DOT Centres. Drugs are provided under direct observation and the patients are monitored so that they complete their treatment.

Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB (PMDT) services, for the management of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) and TBHIV collaborative activities for TB HIV co~~ infection are being implemented throughout the country.

Under the universal immunization programme, BCG vaccine is administered for prevention of serious forms of childhood TB, like tubercular meningitis.

Government has also formulated Standards for TB Care in India which lay down standards for social inclusion for TB, providing information to vulnerable groups and developing synergies with the social welfare schemes.