(a) whether energy consumption is closely associated with responsible for substantial part of green house gas emissions;

(b) if so, the emission of carbon dioxide and over all green house gases caused by each form of energy including electricity in percentage terms;

(c) the data of per capita electricity consumption and emission of carbon di-oxide in tonne per annum in India vis-a-vis other countries; and

(d) the concrete steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b) Energy is consumed in various sectors of society and is a source of greenhouse emissions. As per the latest Assessment Report published by Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA), with reference to year 2007, greenhouse gas emissions in million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent from various sectors are as follows:

Sectors	Year 2007	(in million tons	of CO2 equivalent)
Electricity 719.30
Transport 142.04
Residential 137.84
Other Energy 100.87
Cement 129.92
Iron & Steel 117.32
Other Industry 165.31

(c) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) does not maintain official data in respect of electricity consumption per capita and respective greenhouse gas emissions. However, on the basis of information available from the World Bank and International Energy Agency, the Comparative position for a few major countries is shown as under:

Country	Electricity consumption	Annual CO2 emissions	(Kilo Watt hour/capita)	(in thousands of metric tons)	(Source: World Bank, 2007)	(Source: International	Energy Agency Report, 2008)
USA 13,652 5,838,381
Germany 7,184 787,936
China 2,332 6,538,367
Brazil 2,171 3,68,317
Mexico 2,036 4,71,459
India 542 1,612,362
Bangladesh 144 43,751
World (Average) 2,846 29,321,302

(d) Steps taken by Government of India to reduce emissions from energy use include, inter alia, introduction of clean coal technology; renovation and modernization of old thermal power stations; retirement of old and small size generating units; high priority to setting up of hydro and nuclear power plant; promotion of renewable energy sources; and launch of a National Mission on Energy Efficiency Enhancement under the National Action Plan on Climate Change.