(a) the places in the State of Chhattisgarh where the Iron ore mines of the National Mineral Development Corporation are located alongwith the ore-wise details of the mines and the period of lease thereof;

(b) the quantity of Iron ore produced from these mines during the last three years alongwith the quantity of minerals exported, the quantity of minerals provided to the plants situated outside the State and the quantity of minerals provided to the industries in the State out of the total quantity produced;

(c) whether the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) would meet the iron ore demand of the industries located in the State of Chhattisgarh on a priority basis;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Details of iron ore mines, along with the ore-wise details of the mines and the period of lease thereof, being operated by the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) are given in Annexure-I.

(b) The details for quantity of iron ore produced (including reclamation) at Bailadila mines during last three years along with the quantity dispatched for export, quantity supplied to the plants situated with-in and out side the Chhattisgarh State are given in Annexure -I.

(c)&(d): Units in the State have traditionally largely sourced their requirements of iron ore from Orissa. Following sharp increase in the price of iron ore in 2002-03, they began approaching NMDC for supplies. In response NMDC made efforts to meet their demand by augmenting its production and making supplies to these units on a priority basis. Thus allocation of iron ore by NMDC to these units steadily increased from a level of 1.4 lakh Tonnes, during 2003-04, to a level of 20.0 lakh Tonnes during 2006-07. NMDC has also requested the Chhattisgarh State government to allocate a specific mining lease in favour of a joint venture company proposed to be formed by NMDC along-with Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation for dedicated supply to the State.

(e) Does not arise in view of (c & d) above.

I. Details of Iron ore mines, along with the ore-wise details of the mines and the period of lease thereof, being operated by the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)

Project	Location	Balance reserves as	Lease valid up To	on 1-4-06	(in million tonnes)

Dep-14 Kirandul,District- 147 11-09-2015 Dantewada. Dep- 11c -do- 59 06-12-2015 Dep-5 Bacheli,District 62 11-09-2015 -Dantewada. Dep -10/11A -do- 238 Dep 10: 10-9-2015, Dep 11A:11-9-2017

II. The details for quantity of iron ore produced (including reclamation) at Bailadila mines since last three years along with the quantity dispatched for export and quantity supplied to the plants situated in the Chhattisgarh

2003-04	2004-05	2005-06
(A)Production including reclamation(in million tonne) 16.4 17.6 18.9 (B)Quantity despatched for export(in million tonne) 4.8 5.7 4.8 (C)Quantity supplied within the state(in million tonne) 0.065 0.14 0.85 (D)Quantity supplied out the state(in million tonnes) 11.5 11.8 13.2