Question : Upgradation of SHs to NHs

(a) the steps taken by the Government to upgrade State Highways (SHs) into National Highways (NHs) in the State of West Bengal during the last five years;
(b) the details of the repairing/maintenance projects of NHs in the State which have been completed in the last five years along with those pending as on date; and
(c) the details of the mechanism to review the major NH projects and the meetings/discussions held with the State Governments and other officials in connection with monitoring of such projects?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Ministry keeps on receiving proposals from various State Governments/Union Territories (UTs), etc., for declaration of State roads, including State Highways (SHs), as new National Highways (NHs). The Ministry considers declaration of some State Roads, including SHs, as new NHs from time to time based on requirement of connectivity, inter-se priority and availability of funds. During the last five years, 644 km State Highways have been converted to National Highways in the State of West Bengal.
(b) During the last five years, 56 projects comprising 1133 km length amounting to Rs. 655 crore has been completed under maintenance work. Apart from this, Rs. 124.11 crore has also been spent for emergent repair, spot improvement works, etc. In addition, 4 projects amounting to Rs. 69.41 crore have been approved for maintenance.
(c) In order to review progress of projects, meetings/discussions with State PWD are held every month at Regional level and at the level of Ministry as and when required. Hon’ble Minster has also reviewed the projects of West Bengal on 24.01.2020 at Gurugram (Manesar).

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