(a) & (b) The matter regarding extraction of ground water for construction purpose in NOIDA and
Greater NOIDA in Uttar Pradesh was brought to the notice of National Green Tribunal (NGT) by Shri Vijay
Kumar Tongad. The NGT in its interim injunction dated 11.01.2013 has restrained all the builders in
NOIDA and Greater NOIDA for extracting any quantity of underground water for any purpose of construction
or otherwise till the next date of hearing.
(c) & (d) Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA), in compliance to the NGTâs orders dated 11.01.2013,
has issued directions under section 5 of the Environment (Protection ) Act, 1986, restraining all the
builders in NOIDA and Greater NOIDA for extracting any quantity of underground water for any purpose of
constructions or otherwise till the next date of hearing. CGWA has also issued directions to the District
Magistrate /Depute Commissioner Gautam Budha Nagar for implementation of its directions and taking legal
action for no-compliance.