Question : Production of Uranium

(a) whether the current annual production of uranium in the country is enough to meet the annual fuel requirement of all the operational uranium-based Nuclear Power Plants and if so, the details thereof;

(b) If not, the steps taken/being taken by the Government to explore alternative fuel/technologies /imported fuel for the said purpose;

(c) the details of estimated uranium reserves and extraction potential in the country, uranium mine-wise and State/UT-wise and the details of the uranium extracted during each of the last three years, uranium mine-wise and State/UT-wise along with the funds allocated and utilised thereon during the said period; and

(d) whether the country is importing uranium from other countries and if so, the details thereof during the given period including the quantity of imported uranium along with the funds spend thereon, country-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to (d)

Current annual production of uranium in the country is not adequate to meet the annual fuel requirement of all the operational uranium based nuclear power plants. However, we are continuously exploring the possibility of alternate fuel based on thorium in this regard for which we have enough reserves. Further, Department is importing uranium from different countries like Canada, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia also.

The Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD), a constituent unit of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), has the mandate to identify, evaluate and augment mineral resources of uranium, thorium, niobium, tantalum, beryllium, lithium, zirconium, titanium and rare earths containing uranium and thorium in the country. As on November, 2021 AMD has established 3,58,496 tonne (t) in situ Uranium Oxide. The state-wise details of the uranium resources identified by AMD are given in Annexure - A. It is not in the public interest to disclose the details of Uranium extraction.

The details of imported uranium along with the fund spent thereon, country-wise are attached as Annexure - B.

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