(a) the number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) and Mini Anganwadi Centres (Mini-AWCs) approved, sanctioned and presently operational in the country, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether there is a gap between the sanctioned and operational AWCs and Mini-AWCs;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(d) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to bridge this gap and the funds sanctioned, released and utilised by the State Governments to run these AWCs and Mini-AWCs during each of the last three years and the current year; and

(e) the action taken or proposed to be taken by the Government to provide basic facilities therein and make all the approved AWCs and Mini-AWCs operational in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): Government of India had approved 14 lakh Anganwadi Centres AWCs) including 116848 Mini-AWCs and 20000 Anganwadi-on-demand (AoD) as a whole. These AWCs/ mini-AWCs/ AODs have not been approved State-wise. All the approved mini-AWCs have been sanctioned. There were 1338732 operational AWCs/ mini-AWCs/ AoDs out of 1373349 sanctioned AWCs/ mini-AWCs/ AoDs in the country as on 31.3.2013. State-wise details is at Annex-I.

As per Schematic norms of the ICDS Scheme, Government of India is responsible for the Planning & Policy issues whereas State Governments are responsible for the implementation of the Scheme. The reasons for gap between the sanctioned and operational AWCs and mini-AWCs across the country are largely due to administrative, procedural and legal delays by the State Governments/ UT Administrations. Ministry of WCD has repeatedly impressed upon the State Governments/UT Administrations to take all required measures for early operationalisation of sanctioned AWCs/ mini-AWCs.

The Government has approved strengthening and restructuring of ICDS to improve services and the facilities at AWCs which inter-alia provides for construction, upgradation & maintenance of AWC buildings, weighing machines, kitchenwares & utencils, pre-school & medicine kits, furniture etc. Details of funds allocated, released and expenditure reported by States/ UTs under ICDS (General) and Supplementary Nutrition during each of the last three years and the current year viz. 2010-11 to 2013-14 (up to 31.07.2013) is as under:

(Rs. in crore)
Year Budget Revised Funds Expenditure reported Allocation Allocation Released# by the State/ UTs (BE) (RE) including their share

2010-11 8700.00 9280.00 9763.11 15493.54
2011-12 10000.00 14048.40 14272.21 19196.48
2012-13 15850.00 15850.00 15701.50 17277.64
2013-14 17700.00 # 10845.74 # (up to 31.07.2013)
# This also includes release of funds to Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) for Anganwadi Karyakarti Bima Yojana (AKBY) and to National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) for Central Monitoring Unit for the last three years and the current year.