(a) the criteria for electrification of villages under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) at present and whether the same has been found to be inadequate as it does not meet the requirements of the people;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the details of proposals pending, if any, with the Union Government to amend the said criteria;

(c) whether the Government proposes to declare a village as electrified only when electricity is provided in a specific manner in such a village;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the details of the villages that still remains to be electrified in the country particularly in the Barmer and Jaisalmer areas of Rajasthan along with the targets set for village electrification in the country during the current year, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) : As per Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) guidelines, with effect from 2004-05, a village is considered electrified if:

i) Basic infrastructure such as distribution transformer and distribution lines are provided in the inhabited locality as well as the dalit basti/hamlet where it exists.

ii) Electricity is provided to public places like schools, panchayat offices, health centres, dispensaries, community centres etc.; and

iii) The number of households electrified should be at least 10% of the total number of households in the village.

(e) : Under RGGVY, 648 projects (235 projects during 10th Plan, 341 projects during 11th Plan and 72 projects during Phase-II of 11th Plan) were sanctioned covering electrification of 1,12,225 un/de-electrified villages (UEV) and intensive electrification of 3,83,372 partially electrified villages (PEV) in the country. Cumulatively, as on 15.11.2013, the electrification works in 1,07,752 UE villages, 3,03,406 PE villages have been completed under the scheme. The coverage and achievement of UE villages and PE villages, State-wise is at Annex-I.

In addition to 648 projects, 39 projects (5-Madhya Pradesh, 6- Uttar Pradesh and 28-Rajasthan) have been sanctioned under RGGVY during 12th Five Year Plan, covering electrification of 93 UE villages and 28576 PE villages.

The RGGVY projects of district Jaisalmer and Barmer were sanctioned on 22.02.2006 and 27.05.2009 respectively. As on 15.11.2013, the coverage and achievement of UE villages and PE villages in respect of Jaisalmer and Barmer districts is as under:

Districts	Un-electrified villages	Partially electrified villages	Coverage Achievement Coverage	Achievement
Jaisalmer (10th Plan)	98 98 (100%)	348	322 (93%)
Barmer (11th Plan)	647 647 (100%) 1200	1200 (100%)
In addition to above, a project for district Jaisalmer has also been sanctioned under RGGVY in 12th Plan on 24.09.2013, covering electrification of 543 PE villages with project cost of Rs. 171.93 crore.

State-wise targets and achievement of un/de-electrified village under RGGVY during the current year i.e 2013-14, is at Annex-II.