(a) whether the Government has conducted any study to assess the pollution level including Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the Yamuna river;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the sources polluting Yamuna river and its tribu- taries at various locations in Uttar Pradesh;

(c) the details of the measures taken/being taken by the Government for making Yamuna river pollution free along with expenditure incurred thereon during the last three years and the current year and the outcome thereof; and

(d) the new measures taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to clean the river Yamuna in a time bound manner?

Answer given by the minister


(a & b) Yes, Madam. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has established a network of moni- toring stations for assessing water quality para- meters like Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), fecal coliform etc of river Yamuna and its tributaries at various locations in Uttar Pradesh. The main sources of pollution of river Yamuna and its tributaries are the unt- reated/ partially treated industrial effluents and domestic sewage discharged into the river through the drains which join the river and its tributaries. The list of pollutes stretches of river Yamuna and its tributaries is annexed.

(c) Conservation of rivers is an ongoing and collective effort of the Central and State Governments. The Ministry is supplementing the efforts of the State Governments in add- ressing the problem of pollution of river Yamuna by providing financial assistance to Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Haryana under Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) since 1993 in a phased manner. A total expenditure of Rs. 1514.70 crore (inc- luding State share) has been incurred on schemes under YAP Phase-I & II in these three States. Sewage treatment capacity of 942.25 million litres per day (mld) has been created under YAP Phase- I & II. Further, YAP Phase-III project for rehabilita- tion and up-gradation of existing STPs and Trunk sewers in Delhi has been approved with an estimated cost of Rs 1656 crore, which is under implementation by Delhi Jal Board (DJB). Besides this, two projects for pollution abate- ment of river Yamuna in Sonepat and Panipat towns in Haryana are under implementation at a sanctioned cost of Rs. 217.87 crore. In addi- tion, under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) project of Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), an interceptor sewer project costing Rs. 1357 crore is being implemented by DJB to intercept sewage flowing into river Yamuna from three major drains, namely Najafgarh, Supplementary and Shahdara in Delhi. Year-wise details of expenditure incurred by three States during last three years and for current financial year till December, 2014 for conservation of river Yamuna under YAP & other projects in Haryana are as under:

S.No. Year Delhi Haryana UP Expenditure incurred, including State share (Rs. crore) (upto December 2014) 1 2011-12 122.95 0.19 23.61 146.75 2 2012-13 73.19 3.94 5.83 82.97 3 2013-14 9.43 75.55 27.38 112.36 4 2014-15 1.49 43.06 0 44.55 (Curr- ent Year)

(d) The Union Government has taken a new ini- tiative to set up an Integrated Ganga Conser- vation Mission namely “Namami Gange” for Ganga Rejuvenation, this would also be covering river Yamuna as a major tributary of river Ganga. Incorporating the existing projects under the National Ganga River Basin Authority, the Ganga rejuvenation plan provides for ‘Short-term’ (3 years), ‘Medium-term’ (5 years) and ‘Long-term’ (10 years and more) action plan in collaboration of different Ministries and States.

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