Question : Schemes for Adolescent Girls

(a) the number of schemes being implemented by the Government for minor/adolescent girls across the country;
(b) whether vocational trainings, skill training, scholarship for education and financial help are covered under these schemes;
(c) if so, the details of the schemes and funds allocated/utilized for these schemes during the last five years, State/UT-wise;
(d) the number of beneficiaries, scheme-wise, year-wise and State/UT-wise during the said period; and
(e) whether the Government has received any proposal to raise the upper age limit of 14 to 17 or 18 years in the schemes for adolescent girls and if so, the action taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


Statement referred in reply to Part (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.57 by Shri M. Badruddin Ajmal and Adv. Dean Kuriakose to be answered on 04.02.2022 regarding “Schemes for Adolescent Girls”.

(a) The following Schemes are being implemented by the Government for adolescent girls:

(i) Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG), a Centrally sponsored scheme, aims at all round development of out of school adolescent girls in the age group of 11-14 years;

(ii) Scheme for promotion of Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls for adolescent girls in the age group of 10-19 years with specific reference to ensuring health for adolescent girls;

(iii) Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) is being provided which entails provision of weekly supervised IFA tablets to in-school boys and girls and out-of-school girls for prevention of iron and folic acid deficiency and anaemia;

(iv) Under Samagra Shiksha, effective from 2018-19, there is a provision of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) especially for girls education. KGBVs are residential schools from class VI to XII for girls belonging to disadvantaged groups such as SC, ST, OBC, Minority and Below Poverty Line (BPL).

(v) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) for skill based training of the youth across the country including adolescent girls;

(b) to (d) Yes, Sir. The scheme-wise details of benfits provided under these scheme is as under:
(i) Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme which aims at providing nutritional support to out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years for improving their health and nutritional status and motivates them to go back to formal schooling, provides life skill training, accessing public services etc. Under the Scheme, life skill education is imparted to out of school adolescent girls which include confidence building, self awareness and self esteem, decision making, critical thinking, communication skills, rights and entitlement, effective home management, budgeting, saving, gender sensitivity etc. The details of funds released and utilized to States/UTs under SAG during the last five years is at Annexure-I. Year-wise number of beneficiaries during the last five years is at Annexure-II.
(ii) Under the scheme of Samagra Shiksha, in KGBVs, specific skill training is provided to girls, for which States/UTs appoint vocational instructors in KGBVs to provide need based vocational education to adolescent girls. The States/UTs generally pick up courses based on the choice and need of the girls in the KGBVs. Further Samagra Shiksha aims at integrating Vocational Education with general academic education in all Secondary/Senior Secondary schools including KGBVs; enhancing the Employability and Entrepreneurial abilities of the students, providing exposure to work environment; and generating awareness amongst students about various career options so as to enable them to make a choice in accordance with their aptitude, competence and aspirations. Currently 8,16,321 girls in 11,710 Secondary and Senior Secondary schools across the country are undergoing Vocational Education under Samagra Shiksha. Samagra Shiksha also has a provision for providing exposure to vocational education to students of classes VI to VIII with an aim to provide opportunities to the students to orient themselves with the skills required for the various occupations in a sector and to equip them to make informed choices while selecting their subjects in higher classes. The State/UT-wise details of fund allocated for KGBVs, under Samagra Siksha, is at Annexure-III. The State/UT-wise details of girls enrolled in KGBVs from 2018-19 to 2020-21 is at Annexure-IV.
(iii) Under Skill India Mission, the Government is implementing a flagship scheme i.e. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) for skill based training of the youth across the country including adolescent girls under Short Term Training (STT) courses and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Under PMKVY, STT is linked to placement, while RPL does not mandate placements as it recognizes the existing skills of candidate. With regard to funds allocated/utilized under PMKVY scheme is concerned, there is no year-wise disbursement of funds to States/UTs. Further under the scheme the targeted beneficiaries are in the age group of 15-45 years which includes adolescent girls as well. There is no separate bifurcation indicating the beneficiaries i.e. specifically adolescent girls under the Scheme.
(e) No such proposal hasbeen received by the Government. However, recently the Scheme for Adolescent Girls has been subsumed under Saksham Anganwadi & Mission Poshan 2.0. As adolescent girls in the age group 11-14 years are covered under RTE Act, 2009, the targeted beneficiaries under the revised scheme are adolescent girls in the age group of 14+ to 18 years in Aspirational Districts and NE States.

Annexure referred in reply to Part (b) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.57 for answer on 04.02.2022 regarding “Schemes for Adolescent Girls” asked by Shri M. Badruddin Ajmal and Adv. Dean Kuriakose indicating State/UT-wise funds released and utilized under Scheme for Adolescent Girls during the last five years
(Rupees in Lakhs)
S No
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 2020-21
Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized
1 Andhra Pradesh 762.99 1710.1 2259.52 2050.18 1011.98 139.57 127.39 43.02 11.28 13.01
2 Arunachal Pradesh 126.25 83.49 87.96 42.76 0 18.44 33.71 0 1.11 1.11
3 Assam 1356.94 149.18 341.92 0 0 774.51 488.62 1594.472 1919.17 155.17
4 Bihar 2696.83 2315.55 4003.74 2742.76 25.54 686.12 582.91 23.78 2.94 0
5 Chattisgarh 1389.69 2772.5 2792.61 1795.87 768.89 229.19 48.4 245.18 121.13 157.32
6 Goa 131.5 259.21 302.77 345.84 0.4 0.2 43.1 0.07 0.02 0.028
7 Gujarat 8443.18 6323.17 2690.09 4989 4984.65 1514.03 1852.8 1668.67 870.58 1224.98
8 Haryana 104.74 573.65 589.97 363.75 37.41 44.71 70.56 22.19 0 13.41
9 Himachal Pradesh 720.45 1349.14 1129.42 372.18 0 1.93 0 0 0 NI
10 Jammu & Kashmir 194.63 184.69 255.91 26.67 560.39 131.33 46.53 133.793 23.04 338.35
11 Jharkhand 145.57 1465.35 1495.55 154.54 0 52.52 254.39 0 33.01 0
12 Karnataka 740.73 2642.58 2466.93 1819.93 923.76 630.65 1253.33 37.63 20.31 NR
13 Kerala 1057.73 893.89 692.91 996.27 289.74 3.43 1.08 2.25 1.61 1.52
14 Madhya Pradesh 5302.02 8466.04 8641.18 7125.7 5442.4 2676.33 1068.55 2279.53 213.75 217.34
15 Maharashtra 5334.42 3541.02 3995.68 3530.7 3707.84 661.02 742.83 569.73 48.48 47.6
16 Manipur 49.65 161.87 170.28 62.34 0 85.77 96.86 2.71 9.12 0
17 Meghalaya 919.65 919.65 528.83 540.36 12.55 12.55 1278.81 37.69 4.06 28.87
18 Mizoram 91.78 103.4 123.95 123.15 69.32 44.08 13.56 4.98 2.78 2.78
19 Nagaland 206.31 206.31 193.14 191.61 214.3 225.46 223.29 207.56 187.76 187.76
20 Odisha 2867.25 3443.78 2442.6 2345.4 866.77 0 72.6 335.62 29.69 10.54
21 Punjab 0 448.77 40.6 313.99 26.3 42.13 0 0 4.67 0
22 Rajasthan 0 22.49 39.38 0 0 59.39 0 130.35 58.94 525.47
23 Sikkim 32.54 16.9 15.42 27.45 0 2.42 0 8.64 0.04 0.04
24 Tamil Nadu 2655.26 3076.85 3196.22 1945.25 0 0 95.48 13.82 1.23 18.82
25 Telangana 572.39 0 81.4 765.58 107.49 0 151.54 0 29.69 NR
26 Tripura 334.81 819.62 674.38 210.06 19.16 72.51 32.27 20.03 15.76 26.625
27 Uttar Pradesh 10932.99 7631 4486.13 5681.34 1000.35 0 1827.57 2798.24 410.88 918.95
28 Uttarakhand 43.02 3.77 3.3 0 0 0 0 0 20.31 0
29 West Bengal 40.41 340.08 282.47 992.63 101.85 508.72 126.72 144.22 31.71 NR
30 Andaman & Nicobar 107.05 50.65 51.35 15.52 0 0.19 0 0 0.02 NI
31 Chandigarh 12.11 7.84 12.68 5.81 1.34 1.66 2.46 2.2 0.2 0.2
32 Daman & Diu 14.14 15.94 14.14 14.07 4.53 0.66 0 - 0 NI
D & NH 16.44 16.44 16.44 12.64 4.28 4.28 0 0.41 0.02 0
33 Delhi 276.66 687.49 490.19 570.32 320.48 18.29 12.84 24.7 8.73 7.99
34 Lakshdweep 2.2 1.8 11.65 2.82 3.11 0.07128 0.04 0.02 0.01 0
35 Pondicherry 17.72 18.67 8.81 4.74 1.63 0.04 0 0 0.01 0
36 Ladakh 0 NR
TOTAL 47700.05 50722.88 44629.52 40181.23 20506.46 8642.201 10548.24 10351.51 4082.06 3897.883
NR- Not reported
NI- Not implemented

Annexure referred in reply to Part (b) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.57 for answer on 04.02.2022 regarding “Schemes for Adolescent Girls” asked by Shri M. Badruddin Ajmal and Adv. Dean Kuriakose indicating State/UT-wise number of beneficiaries under Scheme for Adolescent Girls during the last five years
S. No. State/UT 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Andhra Pradesh 291018 10249 39181 3019 1092
2 Arunachal Pradesh 11558 266 482 500 505
3 Assam 469521 0 54352 68545 68545
4 Bihar 1999642 396805 130222 18229 0
5 Chattisgarh 381560 14734 15866 17256 14618
6 Goa 34806 30 14 5 2
7 Gujarat 529521 538357 168662 101025 70942
8 Haryana 168967 667 5217 3680 3229
9 Himachal Pradesh 102496 825 609 NI NI
10 Jammu & Kashmir 87656 2260 4240 4321 10736
11 Jharkhand 333234 63515 71407 27800 27800
12 Karnataka 350269 28022 43723 15566 NR
13 Kerala 238372 264 241 158 107
14 Madhya Pradesh 995000 125452 172000 180000 15252
15 Maharashtra 848673 45898 24478 40959 15677
16 Manipur 42247 5061 3344 3075 3075
17 Meghalaya 59429 1852 1655 942 598
18 Mizoram 28148 897 715 1113 1300
19 Nagaland 19456 6455 7320 7320 7320
20 Odisha 590168 56893 0 23552 13082
21 Punjab 188723 2143 4339 0 3926
22 Rajasthan 0 0 173591 49631 39420
23 Sikkim 10473 6 21 46 21
24 Tamil Nadu 410247 2337 0 970 299
25 Telangana 155861 15952 19410 1961 NR
26 Tripura 54208 1151 2031 601 386
27 Uttar Pradesh 2082000 0 160192 350289 204537
28 Uttarakhand 0 0 26950 9500 0
29 West Bengal 100106 2855 55147 1705 NR
30 Andaman & Nicobar 10649 16 18 NI NI
31 Chandigarh 1741 94 55 64 70
32 Daman & Diu 1458 1386 0 - NI
D & NH 6228 8220 697 160 11
33 Delhi 92158 3383 2152 1696 749
34 Lakshdweep 2553 10 5 3 10
35 Pondicherry 4221 300 14 5 0
36 Ladakh NR
Total 10702367 1336355 1188350 933696 503309
NR- Not reported
NI- Not implemented


Annexure referred in Reply To Part (b) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.57 for answer on 04.02.2022 regarding “Schemes for Adolescent Girls” asked by Shri M. Badruddin Ajmal and Adv. Dean Kuriakose indicating State/UT-wise funds allocated for KGBVs under Samagra Shiksha from 2018-19 to 2020-21
(Rupees in lakh)
S. No. State 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total Outlay (Fresh + Spillover) Total Outlay (Fresh + Spillover) Total Outlay (Fresh + Spillover)
1 Andhra Pradesh 52033.08 63638.18 61252.19
2 Arunachal Pradesh 7799.08 5741.27 9552.36
3 Assam 10326.31 11416.58 13551.50
4 Bihar 51197.51 31899.69 40330.72
5 Chhattisgarh 7604.91 7742.49 5719.55
6 Dnd - Dnh 95.45 84.16 118.51
7 Gujarat 6839.12 7527.75 7396.84
8 Haryana 7557.44 7470.55 7239.45
9 Himachal Pradesh 586.57 702.79 721.38
10 J&K 23303.84 20050.57 18803.00
11 Jharkhand 23563.97 26672.46 22385.60
12 Karnataka 5770.03 6311.13 7154.00
13 Kerala 255.11 181.71 181.71
14 Ladakh 2287.57 2868.59 2723.84
15 Madhya Pradesh 22734.27 31852.32 25379.63
16 Maharashtra 8862.00 7318.98 5124.90
17 Manipur 1068.98 1101.17 1284.24
18 Meghalaya 460.13 467.07 421.69
19 Mizoram 66.45 57.71 53.31
20 Nagaland 1967.23 1433.64 1303.37
21 Odisha 30094.84 35055.11 23348.35
22 Punjab 1075.47 2238.55 2021.26
23 Rajasthan 20705.89 26983.71 28185.36
24 Sikkim 80.01 84.60 80.93
25 Tamil Nadu 3881.61 4779.60 4390.62
26 Telangana 71320.66 95730.42 99618.85
27 Tripura 1844.92 1389.10 1809.65
28 UP 56394.20 118775.62 87503.24
29 Uttarakhand 1867.82 2067.51 1906.67
30 West Bengal 6454.06 7784.16 3690.59
Total 428098.53 529427.15 483253.30
(Source: Prabandh)

Annexure referred in Reply To Part (b) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.57 for answer on 04.02.2022 regarding “Schemes for Adolescent Girls” asked by Shri M. Badruddin Ajmal and Adv. Dean Kuriakose indicating number of girls enrolled in KGBVs from 2018-19 to 2020-21

S. No.
State Name Total Girls Enrolment in KGBVs
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Andhra Pradesh 77906 89863 85757
2 Arunachal Pradesh 5528 5646 6639
3 Assam 6723 6764 7515
4 Bihar 54017 53747 54445
5 Chhattisgarh 16681 16493 16544
6 Dadra And Nagar Haveli 116 121 84
7 Gujarat 15175 16157 17328
8 Haryana 3390 3557 4477
9 Himachal Pradesh 757 808 795
10 Jammu And Kashmir 4075 4173 3899
11 Jharkhand 77207 65769 69733
12 Karnataka 12567 12985 12122
13 Ladakh NA NA 220
14 Madhya Pradesh 49956 50141 50897
15 Maharashtra 5362 6109 6443
16 Manipur 1628 1493 2156
17 Meghalaya 500 500 500
18 Mizoram 132 132 100
19 Nagaland 1100 1118 1300
20 Odisha 20443 22449 26192
21 Punjab 2604 1593 2756
22 Rajasthan 37322 38419 38673
23 Sikkim 206 210 257
24 Tamil Nadu 8585 8804 8974
25 Telangana 99445 121480 121293
26 Tripura 1530 1425 1612
27 Uttar Pradesh 74881 74801 78112
28 Uttarakhand 2998 3252 3433
29 West Bengal 10129 10129 7952
Total 590963 618138 630208
(Source: Prabandh)

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