(a) whether cellphone handsets manufactured/sold/imported in India are checked for compliance with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits;

(b) if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) the brands of handsets failed to comply with SAR limits alongwith the action taken in this regard;

(d) whether indigenous manufacturers have been instructed to comply with International Commission of Non- Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines and to furnish certificates in this regard and the action taken by the Government for noncompliance;

(e) whether manufacturers have been instructed to indicate level of radiation on product itself and to communicate potential dangers of cellphone radiation;

(f) if so, the details, alongwith the action taken against the defaulters;

(g) whether Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has been requested to frame standards for cellphones under BIS Act, 1986; and

(h) if so, the status of this initiative and the time by which the same will be operationalized?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (h) Based on Telecom Commission`s recommendations, Department of Telecommunications had adopted International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines imposing basic restrictions in terms of SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) value limiting to 2 W/Kg (averaged over lOg tissue) in the frequency range of 10 MHz to 10 GHz. Following steps were taken for compliance of SAR value for mobile phones:

(i) Indigenous manufacturers of mobile handsets have been instructed to comply with ICNIRP guidelines and furnish self-certificate.

(ii) Mobile handsets manufacturers have been instructed to indicate the level of radiation on the product itself and to clearly communicate the potential danger of mobile phone radiation and exposure.

(iii) However, in absence of domestic regulation for enforcement of these instructions for mobile phones in the country, the same has not been monitored by this department.

(iv) To regulate indigenous as well as imported mobile phone, Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) has been requested to frame standards for all mobile phones under the BIS Act 1986. For identifying and preparation of draft standard for Specific absorption Sate(SAR) value and other performance related requirements of mobile phones, Electronics and Information Technology Division Council of BIS has constituted a Panel for formulating Indian Standards. Once these draft documents are ready, the same would be discussed by the concerned Panel/technical Committee of BIS to finalize the Indian Standard.

Further, Department of Telecommunications had constituted an Inter-Ministerial Committee consisting of officers from Department of Telecom, Indian Council of Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Department of Biotechnology and Ministry of Environment and Forest to examine the effect of EMF Radiation from base stations and mobile phones. This department has accepted the recommendations of the Inter Ministerial Committee on EMF Radiation vide O.M. No. 32-7/2010-EW dated 17th November 2011 as given in Annexure.