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(a): Statement showing state-wise funds disbursement under the various sub-schemes of MIDH for 2014-15 viz. National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Horticulture Mission for North East and Himalayan States (HMNEH), National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is placed at Annexure – I to III. Statement showing fund disbursement to CDB and NHB is placed at Annexure – IV.
(b): State-wise and year-wise allocation of funds under National Horticulture Mission during the 12th Plan period is placed at Annexure – V.
(c): The details of number of SC, ST and women farmers is not maintained centrally for NHM, HMNEH and NBM. However, the State Horticulture Missions have been directed to utilize proportionate funds for SCs, STs and Women farmers/beneficiaries while giving subsidy as well as for training for skill development.
As such, funds are released by the Government under SCSP and TSP component in proportion to the population of the respective states as per the figures released by Census of India.
State-wise list of number of SC/ST/Women farmers/beneficiaries for schemes of NHB is placed at Annexure – VI. Information for CDB in respect of area expansion, integrated farming and aid to government aided/registered nurseries is at Annexure – VII.
(d): The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) and National Bamboo Mission (NBM) are being implemented in 24 and 12 districts of Rajasthan, respectively. The schemes of National Horticulture Board (NHB) are being implemented in all districts of Rajasthan. Coconut Development Board (CDB) is not implementing any scheme in Rajasthan.
(e) : The Mission envisages production and productivity improvement of Horticulture crops including fruits and vegetables through coverage of area with improved cultivars, rejuvenation of senile orchards, protected cultivation, creation of water resources, adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), organic farming, including in-situ generation of organic inputs. Capacity building of farmers is also an integral part of MIDH for adaption of improved technologies. Assistance is also extended for purchase of equipment and machinery under horticulture mechanization. Import of latest equipment is also promoted through the public sector. The scheme also envisages creation of infrastructure for post harvest management and marketing for better price realization.
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