Question : Dedicated Freight Corridors

(a) whether the Railways proposes to set up more Dedicated Freight Corridors in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof, corridor-wise and the salient features of the said corridors;

(c) whether any assessment has been conducted to find out the extent to which freight movement of Railways will be increased after the completion of such corridors and if so, the outcome thereof;

(d) the details of expenditure likely to be incurred on setting up of such corridors;

(e) the details of funds so far allocated, released and expenditure incurred on such corridors; and

(f) the time by which these corridors are likely to be operational?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): Apart from Eastern(Ludhiana to Dankuni) and Western (Jawaharlal Nehru Port to Dadri) Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) currently under implementation, in Budget Speech 2016-2017, it is proposed to take up the following freight corridors:-(i) East-West Corridor (2328 kms) (Kolkata-Mumbai); (ii) North-South Corridor(2343 km)(Delhi-Chennai); and (iii) East Coast Corridor (1114 km) ( Kharagpur-Vijaywada). The Preliminary Engineering Cum Traffic Survey (PETS) Reports of these Corridors have been completed. As per the PETS reports, salient features of the Corridors are: (1) parallel to the existing alignment, (2) designed for 25 tonne axle load standards (upgradable to 32.5 tonne axle load) with maximum speed of 100 km/h, and (3) design for no surface crossings and rail flyovers at Junction Stations.

(c) & (d): The freight traffic projections in the three new corridors as per PETS reports indicate a level of approximately 1300 million tonnes by 2026-27. Estimated completion Costs are :- (i) East-West Corridor - ` 1,10,529 crore; (ii) North-South Corridor - ` 1,04,471 crore; and (iii) East Coast Corridor - ` 56,749 crore.

(e): No expenditure has been allocated as the new freight corridors have yet not been sanctioned.

(f): Does not arise.

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