Question : Demand and Supply of CNG

(a) the State-wise details of cities/towns in the country where Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is being utilised at present;
(b) the details of the actual demand and supply of CNG in various States/UTs of the country;
(c) whether there is difference in prices of CNG in various States and UTs, if so, the details of reasons for continuous increase in prices of CNG in various States/UTs; and
(d) the steps being taken by the Government to set up more outlets of CNG and increase coverage area of CNG in the coming years?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d) : Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) is the authority to grant authorization to the entities for the development of City Gas Distribution (CGD) network in Geographical Areas (GAs) as per PNGRB Act, 2006. PNGRB identifies GAs for authorizing the development of CGD network in synchronization with the development of natural gas pipeline connectivity and natural gas availability. So far PNGRB has authorized 230 GAs for development of CGD network across country up to 10th CGD Bidding Round covering more than 400 districts in the country in 27 States/UTs. As on 01.02.2020, 1989 CNG stations are operational in the country as Annexure. As per PPAC, during April-September 2019, approx. 1626 Thousand Metric Tonnes (TMT) of CNG was sold in the country. The final pricing consists of cost of gas to the CGD entity, Supply and Distribution cost of CGD entity, Entity’s margin, Excise Duty, VAT and any other Tax/Duty levied and it varies accordingly from place to place.

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