(a) the details of policy/ programme(s) for generating/ harnessing solar energy in the country along with targets set and achievements made in the first phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), State/UT-wise;

(b) the details of the projects sanctioned and grid connected solar power plants installed under first phase of the JNNSM, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government proposes to include solar power plants of 1 MW and 2 MW capacity under the JNNSM;

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(e) the steps being taken by the Government to promote small and economical solar power generation ventures at local level/ rural areas in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b),(c),(d)& (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in Reply to parts (a),(b),(c),(d)&(e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 23 to be answered on 23/11/2012 regarding Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission

(a): The Government is implementing the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) that was launched in January 2010 to promote harnessing/ utilization of solar energy for power generation as well as direct thermal energy applications in the country. Details of the deployment targets set for different applications for different phases of the Mission ending in March 2022 are as under:

Application Segment	Target

Phase-I Phase-2 Phase-3 (2010-13) (2013-17) (2017-22)

Grid Solar power 1,100 MW 4,000-10,000 MW 20,000 MW

Off-grid solar applications (including solar lighting systems) 200 MW 1,000 MW 2,000 MW

Solar thermal collectors (SWHs, 7 million 15 million 20 million solar cooking/cooling, Industrial sq. meters sq. meters sq. meters process heat applications etc.)- area addition

Cumulative capacity at the end of each phase.

State/UT-wise targets have not been fixed under the JNNSM. State/UT-wise details of achievements under off-grid segment up to 31.10.2012 are furnished in Annexure-I and grid-connected including under State Government initiatives are furnished in Annexure-1A. In case of solar thermal collectors, cumulative collectors area of 5.95 million sq. meters has been deployed in the country up to 31.10.2012.

An enabling policy & regulatory environment has been created under the Mission to promote grid connected solar power generation projects. This includes amendment of National Tariff Policy for solar specific RPOs (0.25% in Phase 1 (2013) to increase to 3% by 2022), REC Mechanism, encouragement of state specific solar policies and State-wise RPO Orders by Regulators. Fiscal and financial incentives in the form of concessional/ nil customs and excise duties, preferential tariffs and generation based incentives are being provided.

Another important component of the Mission is accelerating R&D activity in solar energy sector in the country. In this regard 5 Centers of Excellence have been established/ supported so far. An R&D Policy is also in place to support R&D projects in Universities, academic institutions, research laboratories and in industries. Currently, 18 projects in photovoltaics and 17 in solar thermal areas are under implementation

(b): State/UT-wise details of the grid-connected solar power plants taken up under Government of India schemes in the first phase of JNNSM and installed as on 31.10.2012 are furnished in Annexure-II.

(c)&(d): Solar power plants of 1 MW and 2 MW capacity are already included under the Rooftop PV and Small Solar Power Generation Programme (RPSSGP) of the JNNSM Phase-I ending in March 2013. Guidelines for next phase of the Mission have not been finalized as yet.

(e): Under Phase-I of JNNSM, the Government is already promoting small scale power generation at local level / rural areas in the country. In this regard, 30% capital subsidy limited to Rs. 81/Wp and /or soft loan @ 5% interest rate is being provided for off-grid SPV power plants of up to 100kWp. Also, to meet unmet community demand for electricity or in un-electrified rural areas of the country, standalone rural SPV power plants with battery storage in a micro grid mode/ local distribution network are being provided capital subsidy @ Rs.150/Wp and soft loan @ 5% interest rate for maximum capacity of 250kWp per site.