(a) the number of BPL persons in the country as on date as per the list prepared by the Central Government and other Expert Committees constituted in the matter, State-wise;

(b) whether several State Governments have raised objection on the BPL list prepared and released by the Central Government;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(d) whether keeping in view the continuous controversy over the accurate headcount of people Below Poverty Line ratio, the Union Government has decided to plan a pilot project to test methodology of BPL survey besides asking the States to report local concerns which needs to be factored in final questionnaire;

(e) if so, whether the Union Government has also decided to have a fresh look for having a new statistics of Below Poverty Line (BPL) people;

(f) if so, whether the guidelines for next round of BPL census in rural areas has been finalised and issued to State Governments;

(g) if so, the details thereof; and

(h) the time by which the fresh round of BPL census is likely to be started and completed?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The number of persons living Below the Poverty Line in the country is estimated by the Planning Commission. However, the Ministry of Rural Development provides financial and technical support to States/UTs in form of methodology and guidelines to conduct the BPL Census for identification of households living below the poverty line. Thus the BPL lists are prepared by respective State Governments/UT Administrations and not by the Central Government.

(d) to (h): For conducting the BPL Census for the Eleventh Five Year Plan, the Ministry,on 12th August, 2008, constituted an Expert Group, to advise it on the suitable methodology. The Expert Group submitted its report on 21st August 2009. The report of the Expert Group has been circulated among the State Governments/UT administrations and the concerned Central Ministries for their comments. It has also been posted on Ministry`s website at

The methodology is being examined in consultation with State Governments and experts and guidelines will be prepared once the methodology is finalized. There is a proposal for pre-testing the methodology to enable finalisation of the same.