Question : Pay Commission Recommendation for Physiotherapists

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government to implement the Seventh Pay Commission recommendations for physiotherapists regarding cadre restructuring till date;

(b) the duties and responsibilities of physiotherapists employed at Safdarjung hospital, RML hospital, Kalawati Saran hospital, JIPMER and AIIMS;

(c) whether the physiotherapists at the above hospitals are being given Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA); and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) : A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) As per decision of the Government on the recommendations of the 7th CPC notified vide Resolution dated 25.07.2016, necessary action on the recommendations of the 7th CPC pertaining to cadre restructuring of physiotherapists have already been taken up for implementation in some of the Central Government hospitals/institution.
(b) The duties and responsibilities of physiotherapists performed in Safdarjung hospital, RML hospital, Kalawati Saran hospital, Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi and six other new AIIMS located at Patna, Jodhpur, Bhubaneswar, Rishikesh, Bhopal, and Raipur broadly include the following:
i. physiotherapists works with patients who have a range of conditions including Neuro-musculoskeletal, Geriatric, Post-surgical, ICU Patients, Pediatric, Cardiovascular and respiratory. They help to diagnose, assess and treat their physical problems
ii. treat in and out patients of Orthopedic, Neurological, Medical Surgery, Pediatrics and Gynecological, cardio-thoracic, respiratory & intensive care condition by means of electrotherapy, heat therapy, hydrotherapy, exercise therapy and massage
iii. provide physiotherapy care including exercise, hot packs, wax bath, short-wave-diathermy, ultrasonic therapy, cervical & lumbar traction, gait training, electrical stimulation & bed-side physiotherapy in ward as prescribed by the medical specialist, etc.
iv. administer and supervise students and junior physiotherapists and other support workers, who are involved in physical care of patients.
v. participation in rehabilitation of patients
vi. co-ordinate and participate in training programmes related to physiotherapist
(c) & (d) As per the guidelines issued from time to time for grant of Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA), HPCA is admissible to employees belonging to categories of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ (non-ministerial) whose regular duties involve continuous and routine contacts with patients infected with communicable diseases or those who have to routinely handle, as their primary duty, infected materials, instruments and equipment which can spread infection.
Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA) is not being given to Physiotherapists in Safdarjung, Dr. RML, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals and AIIMS, New Delhi and six new AIIMS located at different parts of the country as the physiotherapists working in these hospitals/institutes are Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ category employees. In Kalawati Saran Children Hospital, the physiotherapist are not getting HPCA as these employees are in the pay scale of Group ‘B’ category.
However, JIPMER, Puducherry continues to give Patient Care Allowance to physiotherapists as per the directions of Hon’ble Apex Court. These directions were issued consequent upon re-classification of Group ‘C’ category posts to Group ‘B’ posts based on the replacement scale as there was no change in the duties and responsibilities of the post held by the incumbents.

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