Question : Beneficiaries under Make in India Scheme

(a) the number of persons benefited so far from the ‘Make in India’ Scheme introduced by the Government across the country;
(b) the number of such beneficiaries in Rajasthan particularly in Udaipur district;
(c) whether the Government is contemplating to take new steps to cover more and more people under the scheme; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) to (d): Government of India launched the Make in India initiative in 2014 with the objective of facilitating investment, fostering innovation, building best in class manufacturing infrastructure, making it easy to do business and enhancing skill development. Activities under the initiative are being implemented by several Central Government Ministries/ Departments and the State Governments. Details of such schemes are not centrally maintained.


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