Question : Decline in Cow Breeds

(a) whether the number of cows of native breeds is decreasing rapidly in the couuntry due to huge shortage of animal fodder/lack of grasslands/pasture in the villages across the country along with the increased cost of milk production;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the ratio of milch cows and milch buffaloes in the country at present;
(d) whether the main reasons for the fall in rearing of milch cows and non-milch cows are shortage of green dry fodder and lack of pastures;
(e) if so, the details thereof; and
(f) the measures taken till date, likely to be taken by the Government to increase the number of native breeds of cows/ livestock production and provide pastures to each village across the country?

Answer given by the minister



(a), (b), (d) & (e) No, Madam. As per breed survey report 2013 the country has 37.92 million animals of recognized indigenous cattle breeds as against 23.78 million animals of indigenous cattle breeds during 2007 (as per breed wise livestock census 2007). However, non descript cattle population has declined from 142.235 million to 113.252 million between livestock census 2007 and 2012.
Part (c) As per the 19th Livestock Census 2012 ratio of milch cows to total female cows was 54.92% and the ration of total milch buffalo to total female buffalo population was 55.13%. The ratio of total milch cows and buffalo population to total livestock was 33.99%.
(f) In order to complement and supplement the efforts made by the State to increase population of native breeds of cattle and enhance fodder production in the country, the department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries is implementing following schemes: i) Rashtriya Gokul Mission; ii) National Dairy Plan-I; iii) Breed Improvement Institutes; iv) Livestock Health & Disease Control and v) National Livestock Mission with a Sub Mission of Feed and Fodder Development.

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