(a) whether the Union Government has fixed any time limit for completion of Cauvery Basin Irrigation Projects, especially Devaraj Urs Canal, Harangi, Hemavathy, Kabini, Chiklihole and KRS Modernisation and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the total funds allocated for the projects as on 31 December, 2011;

(c) whether several families have been displaced for these porjects and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) whether financial assistance has been provided to such families for their rehabilitation and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The dates of completion of Devaraj Urs Canal, Harangi, Hemavathy, Kabini, Chiklihole and KRS Modernisation projects as provided by the Government of Karnataka are given in the following table.

Name of project Stage & proposed date Remarks of completion
Devaraja Urs Canal Physically completed -
Harangi Physically completed -
Hemavathy 2016-17 Works of Tumkur Branch Canal from Ch: 200 to 240 km is in progress.
Kabini Flow Irrigation Lift Irrigation is not taken up Physically completed due to non allocation of water.
Chiklihole Physically completed -
KRS modernization Physically completed -

(b) The total funds allocated by the Government of Karnataka as on 31 December, 2011 for Devaraj Urs Canal, Harangi, Hemavathy, Kabini, Chiklihole and KRS Modernisation projects are Rs.496.96 crore, Rs.584.01 crore, Rs.3061.69 crore, Rs.771.14 crore. Rs.19.20 crore and Rs.445.01 crore respectively.

(c) As per the information furnished by the Government of Karnataka, no. of families displaced for Devaraj Urs Canal, Harangi, Hemavathy, Kabini, Chiklihole and KRS Modernisation projects are nil, 512, 2283, 4241, nil and nil respectively.

(d) For the displaced persons due to Harangi, Hemavathy and Kabini projects, Rehabilitation centres were constructed for providing basic amenities to the families. 4 centres at a cost of Rs 127.01 lakh for Harangi Project, 50 centres at a cost of Rs 2506.71 lakh for Hemavathy Project and 25 centres at a cost of Rs 49.78 lakh for Kabini Project were constructed. Apart from payment of compensation in-lieu of acquisition of their lands, sites have also been provided to the displaced families.