(a) whether the Government is taking any steps to fill up the skill gap as per the requirements in renewable energy sector;

(b) if so, the details thereof including the areas where specific skill required and steps taken to address such problems;

(c) whether Government has drawn any road map to attract younger generation towards renewable sector by providing adequate research facilities and job opportunities; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Madam.

(b): The Ministry has a two-pronged strategy to meet the requirement of skilled manpower for installation, operation and maintenance and repair of Renewable Energy Systems / Devices in the Country. The Ministry, as a long-term measure, has collaborated with Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET) of Ministry of Labour for incorporating Renewable Energy in the syllabus of two–year regular ITI courses of seven trades namely electrician, electronics, fitter, turner, sheet metal works, plumber and welder. In addition, Ministry also supports the organization of short-term training programmes for various target groups on different aspects of Renewable Energy including installation, operation, maintenance and repair of Renewable Energy Systems and Devices.

(c): Yes, Madam.

(d): Under its Human Resource Development (HRD) Programme, the Ministry supports educational institutions in developing necessary framework for undertaking Renewable Energy courses at under- graduate, post-graduate and Ph.D levels to attract younger generation towards renewable energy sector. The major initiatives undertaken by the Ministry under these programmes are :-

(i) Institution of National Renewable Energy Fellowship Programme (NREFP) for granting fellowships for Ph.D, M.Tech, M.Sc Courses in Renewable Energy,

(ii) Institution of National Solar Science Fellowship Programme (NSSFP) to provide attractive fellowship (Rs. one lakh per month) and research grant to 10 selected scientists of the age group 35 to 45 years, to undertake research in cutting-edge areas in Solar Energy. Two National Solar Science Fellows are working in IIT Bombay under this programme,

(iii) Institution of Renewable Energy Chairs in selected higher educational institutions to act as focal point on Renewable Energy education in that institution,

(iv) Providing a one time grant-in-aid support of Rs.50 Lakh to selected educational institutions for upgrading laboratory and library facilities,

(v) Developing course-curricula and study material for postgraduate, under graduate, diploma and ITI levels,

(vi) Support to State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) and NGOs for undertaking short-term training programmes besides undertaking programmes for capacity building of officers of Ministry and SNAs.

(vii) The Short term training programmes are being organized at Block and District levels to attract youth from rural areas to work in installation, operation, maintenance and repair.