Question : Shortage of Coal

(a) the quantum of coal required per day in Karnataka for its thermal plants;

(b) whether power generation is steadily declining in all the three thermal power plants of Karnataka due to severe shortage of coal supply;

(c) if so, whether the Government of Karnataka has requested the Ministry to ensure supply of Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) quantity in full for sustainable power generation to the State’s thermal power plants;

(d) if so, the response of the Union Government thereto and the quantum of coal supplied to TPSs in Karnataka during the last three years; and

(e) whether coal is supplied to Karnataka from Singareni Collieries Company Ltd. (SCCL), Western Coalfields Ltd.(WCL) and Mahanadi coalfields Ltd.(MCL); and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The daily coal requirement for the Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) in Karnataka as on 04.12.2018, based on the average consumption pattern of the last 7 days, is as under:

Name of TPPs Capacity (MW) Daily Coal Requirement
(''000 Tonnes)
Bellary TPS 1700 14.59
Raichur TPS 1720 16.55
Yermarus TPS 1600 6.86

(b): In the year 2018-19 (up to 30.11.2018), 2.595 MT coal has been supplied by Coal India Limited (CIL). Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) has supplied 3.23 MT to Raichur, Bellary and Yermarus TPPs. The power demand of Karnataka is met mainly by generation from thermal, hydro and nuclear sources apart from allocation from Central Generating Stations. The generation from coal based thermal power plants, therefore, varies depending upon demand and generation from other sources viz. when hydro power generation in monsoon season increases, the generation from coal based power plants decreases. The month-wise generation [in million units (MU)] by the three TPPs of Karnataka is as under:

Name of TPS Capacity (MW) Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18
Bellary TPS 1700 642.1 349.5 0 0 0 436.3 360.9
Raichur TPS 1720 963.8 977.6 539.2 395.1 377.8 920.6 736.5
Yermarus TPS 1600 68.2 150.7 224.2 120.7 0 0 156.4

As per CEA report of October, 2018, the total energy demand of Karnataka for April-October, 2018 (39026 MU) has been met with 99.90% fulfillment with no notified power cuts. Further, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited had injected 584.91 MU in IEX during April to October, 2018. It is thus evident that there was no loss in generation in the power Plants of Karnataka due to shortage of coal.

(c) and (d): The total quantum of coal supplied to the three Karnataka based power station by CIL & SCCL for the last three years is as under:
(Fig in Million Tonnes)
Year Total coal supply
2015-16 6.257 6.438
2016-17 4.643 7.148
2017-18 4.241 5.572

(e): Coal supplied during 2018-19 (till Nov 18) from WCL, MCL and SCCL is as under:
(Fig in Million Tonnes)
Period Subsidiary Company Supply

2018-19 (till Nov) WCL 0.726
MCL 1.869
SCCL 3.23

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