(a) the details of the bilateral trade carried out between India and Egypt during each of the last three years and the current year;

(b) whether there is any proposal to double the volume of trade between India and Egypt and if so, the details thereof along with the action taken/proposed to be taken in this regard;

(c) whether the countries around the Indian Ocean have met recently to discuss the trade relations and if so, the details thereof along with steps taken by the these countries to improve their trade relations;

(d) the benefits likely to be accrued to India from the said strengthening of trade relations in the region; and

(e) whether India has requested Pakistan to carry out most of the trade through the land route in place of the sea route and if so, the reaction of Pakistan thereto along with the likely benefits of the same?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of the bilateral trade carried out between India and Egypt during each of the last three years and the current year is given below:-

As on 21/8/2013
Value: US $ Millions
Sl. No.	Particulars	2010-11	2011-12	2012-13	2013-14	(Apr-Mar)	(Apr-Mar)	(Apr-Mar)	(Apr-Jun)
1.	EXPORT	1,982.43	2,421.89	2,897.33	542.32
2.	% Growth	41.21	22.17	19.63	-
3.	IMPORT	1,354.56	3,002.40	2,553.47	755.98
4.	% Growth	-19.96	121.65	-14.95	-
5.	TOTAL TRADE	3,336.98	5,424.29	5,450.80	1,298.30
6.	% Growth	7.78	62.55	0.49	-
Source: DGCIS

(b) During the first meeting of the Joint Egypt-India Trade Committee held in Cairo on 10th March, 2013 the two sides agreed to work towards the target of achieving a total trade of US$ 8 billion by 31st March, 2016. Towards this end, various steps have been taken, some of which are listed below:-

# Five Joint Study Groups (JSGs) on Trade, Standardization and origin issues, Industrial Cooperation & SMEs, Pharmaceuticals, and Agriculture have been set up.

# The Joint Business Council (JBC) mechanism has been activated with the last meeting of the JBC being held during the visit of President of Egypt to India in March, 2013.

# A technical file of Indian wheat has been submitted to Egyptian authorities to pave a way for exports of Indian wheat to Egypt. Also cooperation in the field of Fertilizer is being explored

# Multi-sectoral as well as sector specific Trade Fairs are being organized in Egypt. With fairs in the area of pharmaceuticals and textiles having been planned in 2014.

(c) & (d) The first Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) Economic and Business Conference was held on 4-5 July, 2013, in Mauritius. Text of the statement issued at the end of the conference is attached.

(e) In the 7th Commerce Secretary level talks with Pakistan held on 20-21 September, 2012 at Islamabad, both countries appreciated that better trading opportunities provided through land route would enhance mutual prosperity of the business communities and consumers on both sides of the border. It was also, noted that there is need to further strengthen infrastructure on both sides and to resolve all the issues through mutual cooperation, harmonization of customs procedures, provision of laboratory facilities, scanners, weigh bridges, cold houses, containerized services and automation of the business processes. The need for more trade traffic to be carried through the Railways was also emphasized.