Question : Schemes to Increase Food Production

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has implemented new schemes to increase food production in the country during the last few years;

(b) if so, the names of the schemes and the State-wise details thereof particularly in Maharashtra and their production targets;

(c) whether it is also a fact that these schemes have proved to be useless due to flood and drought particularly in Maharashtra;

(d) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto and whether the uncertainty of rainfall was not kept in mind while formulating these schemes; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): Agriculture is a State subject. However, the Government of India supports and facilitates development and progress of the Agriculture sector through various Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes. All schemes of the DAC&FW are implemented across the country to improve production and productivity in the various agro-climatic zones. Some of these important schemes are – National Food Security Mission, Mission on Integrated Development of Horticulture, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility, Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material, Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation, etc.

(b) : State-wise details including the state of Maharashtra are at Annexure.

(c) to (e): The uncertainty of nature and climate is a fact of life and the Ministry always endeavours to implement Schemes which minimise the risk. The DAC&FW promotes micro-irrigation, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana etc. to support agriculture in the country. During the last 5 years a total of 1014 stress tolerant, high yielding,improved quality, agro-climatic zone specific varieties of field crops have been developed under different All India Coordinated Research Projects for Dryland Agriculture (AICRP) involving crop based Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Institutes and State Agriculture Universities (SAUs).


The drought tolerant varieties developed by ICAR, SAUs and others have been demonstrated for various crops such as Seasame (Shekar, HT-01); Clusterbean (RGC-1025; RGC-1002), mustard (Giriraj DRMRIJ-31). These varieties are being supported under various core development programmes / schemes of the DAC&FW.

Suitable agro-techniques along with quality input supply, including, new types of high yielding and less water requiring seed varieties that perform well under rain – fed conditions are provided to farmers for better production and productivity for important Kharif and Rabi crops.

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