Question : Impact of Corona on Tea Industry

(a) whether the Government has made any assessment of economic slowdown in the tea industry due to the global pandemic Corona;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the action plan chalked out by the Government for North-East regions including Assam to provide financial assistance to the workers engaged in the tea industry?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Tea Board has made an assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on the tea industry. The decline in tea production during March, April and May, 2020 is estimated to be at 114.91 M.Kgs, against the expected trend based on the preceding two years. Tea exports in April - June, 2020 declined from 56.06 M.Kgs in April – June, 2019 to 41.08 M. Kgs. The loss of tea production has brought down the oversupply situation in the market, which may help the Industry through a rise in average price realization of made tea. The average auction price during April-August, 2020 has increased by Rs.67.72 per kg, over the corresponding period of the previous year.

(c): The Government, through the Tea Board, is implementing the “Tea Development & Promotion Scheme” during the Medium Term Framework (MTF) period, from 2017-18 to 2019-20, which has been extended for 2020-21, for providing financial assistance to the tea industry in the country, including in the North-Eastern Region, including Assam. Under the scheme, the Tea Board extends certain welfare measures like healthcare, education and vocational training for tea garden workers and their wards/dependants. During the period April 2017 to August, 2020, the Tea Board has disbursed Rs.16.45 Cr for the benefit of tea workers in the country, including Rs.2.74 Cr for tea plantation workers of North East Region including Assam.

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