(a) Department of Posts does not have any Postal Distribution Zones in the country. However, delivery of mail is done through the delivery post offices across the country. The number of Delivery Post Offices in the country, State-wise, is given in Annexure (column (a)).
(b) The average number of areas that fall in each Delivery Post Office, State-wise is given in Annexure (column (b)).
(c) The number of postmen deployed in the Delivery Post Offices state-wise during last three years and current year are given in Annexure. (column (c)-
Details of Number of Delivery Post Offices in the Country (State-wise)
Question (a) (b) (c)
Sl. No. Name of State Number of Delivery Post Offices Average area covered (Sq. Km.) Total number of Postmen deployed
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
1. Andhra Pradesh 1223 131 1968 2004 2041 2084
2. Arunachal Pradesh 48 1745 41 41 41 41
3. Assam 570 139 818 781 773 770
4. Bihar 1020 92 1943 1744 1743 1719
5. Chhattisgarh 264 512 488 428 431 433
6. Delhi 95 16 1867 1690 1548 1448
7. Goa 88 42 173 165 161 161
8. Gujarat 1021 192 3814 3584 3370 3122
9. Haryana 305 145 659 667 622 622
10. Himachal Pradesh 435 128 435 442 469 469
11. Jammu & Kashmir 215 1034 208 189 185 165
12. Jharkhand 377 211 811 811 811 811
13. Karnataka 1329 144 3367 3341 3454 3454
14. Kerala 1410 28 2153 2243 2119 2119
15. Madhya Pradesh 761 405 1556 1513 1466 1386
16. Maharashtra 1592 193 7951 7625 7385 7122
17. Manipur 51 438 61 61 61 61
18. Meghalaya 62 362 133 120 101 89
19. Mizoram 39 541 46 45 47 47
20. Nagaland 39 425 56 50 50 54
21. Odisha 695 224 746 837 871 871
22. Punjab 537 94 1615 1563 1599 1608
23. Rajasthan 962 356 1579 1572 1784 1784
24. Sikkim 19 373 14 14 15 15
25. Tamil Nadu 2052 64 5013 5129 4866 4838
26. Telangana 663 173 1199 1213 1190 1225
27. Tripura 78 135 136 140 138 138
28. Uttar Pradesh 1620 150 4332 4210 4032 3991
29. Uttarakhand 293 182 579 587 565 560
30. West Bengal 1190 81 3968 3813 3681 3681
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