Question : Minor Forest Produces

(a) the minor forest produces that are a major source of income for tribal communities of Uttar Pradesh and Odisha;
(b) the district-wise information on minor forest produces of Uttar Pradesh and Odisha procured at minimum standard price;
(c) the district-wise information on communities dependent on minor forest produce for livelihood;
(d) the details of the minor forest produces for which the minimum standard price has been fixed by the Government; and
(e) the initiatives undertaken by the Government to provide transportation and market linkage of the said minor forest produce in Uttar Pradesh and Odisha?

Answer given by the minister

(a) As per the information received from State Governments of Uttar Pradesh and Odisha, the minor forest produces (MFP) that are major source of income for tribal communities are as under:

Uttar Pradesh Odisha
Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Sal seeds, Mahua, Wild Honey, Amla, Neem Seeds etc. Sal Seeds, Seeded Tamarind, Chiranjee Pods with Seeds, De-Seeded Tamarind, Harida, Bahada, Hill Brooms, Honey, Mahua Seeds, Karanja Seeds etc.

(b) District-wise details of MFPs procured at MSP by Uttar Pradesh and Odisha are at Annexure-1.

(c) As per information received from State Government of Uttar Pradesh, the tribal communities of Kharwar, Gond and Tharu are engaged in collection of MFPs in Uttar Pradesh. District-wise details regarding tribal communities dependent on MFP collection for livelihood in the State of Odisha are not maintained centrally.

(d) The list of Minor Forest Produces for which Minimum Support price has been fixed by Ministry of Tribal Affairs is at Annexure- 2.
(e) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs under its schemes namely ‘Institutional Support for development and marketing of tribal products/produce’ and ‘Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) Through Minimum Support Price (MSP) And Development of Value Chain For MFP’ provides grant-in-aid to State Governments for enhancement of infrastructure facilities to improve the supply chain of MFPs in the States. These are demand-driven schemes and funds are released to States on the basis of proposals received from them. Funds released by the Ministry for market intervention and supply chain infrastructure development of MFPs is as under:
State Scheme Funds released (Rs. in crores)
Uttar Pradesh MSP for MFP 8.21 (2018-19)
Institutional Support -
Odisha MSP for MFP 8.20 (2014-15)
Institutional Support 1.61 (2019-20)

Besides above, the Ministry implements Van Dhan Vikas Karyakaram under the Scheme ‘Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and Development of Value Chain for MFP’ which targets livelihood generation for tribals by harnessing the wealth of forest i.e. Van Dhan. Under this programme, community owned Minor Forest Produce centric multi-purpose Kendras are set-up in predominantly tribal districts which act as common facility centres for procurement cum value addition to locally available Minor Forest Produce.Tribal Co-Operative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED) under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal implementing agency for Van Dhan Vikas Karyakaram and provides marketing support to MFP gatherers. As on date, funds sanctioned to the Uttar Pradesh and Odisha for establishment of Van Dhan Vikas Kendra Clusters (VDVKCs) is as under:

State No. of VDVKCs sanctioned Funds sanctioned (Rs. in lakhs) No. of forest gatherers supported
Uttar Pradesh 25 359.55 7191
Odisha 170 2479.25 51019

Annexure 1
Annexure referred to in Part (b) of the reply to LSUQ No. 3604 for answer on 20.12.2021

District-wise Procurement details by Odisha during 2015-16
Sl no District Branch Seeded Tamarind in
qtls Value in RS. Harida in qtls Value in RS. Char Seed in qtls Value in RS. Karanj Seed in
qtls Value in RS. Sal Seed in qtls Value in RS. Mohua Seed in
qtls Value in RS. Total Value Rs.
1 Koraput Sunabeda 452.60 995720.00 995720.00
2 Keonjhar Keonjhar 143.63 315986.00 4.95 5445.00 321431.00
3 Nabarangpur Umerkote 614.44 1351768.00 1351768.00
4 Gajapati Paralakhemundi 126.15 277530.00 277530.00
5 Mayurbhanj Udala 313.16 688952.00 38.30 42130.00 146.64 307944.00 62.79 138138 1177164.00
6 Sambalpur Sambalpur 478.00 1051600.00 9.84 98400.00 1150000.00
7 Bolangir Bolangir 119.60 263120.00 95.75 105325.00 67.72 677200.00 73.45 161590 1207235.00
8 Deogarh Lahunipara 87.60 192720.00 17.21 172100.00 76.40 76400.00 100.10 220220 661440.00
9 Deogarh 139.60 307120.00 69.55 69550.00 376670.00
10 Sundargarh Sundargarh 555.22 1221484.00 93.94 103334.00 10.51 105100.00 14.12 29652.00 86.44 86440.00 1546010.00
11 Rayagada Rayagada 160.00 352000 352000.00
12 Nayagarh Nayagarh 48.00 105600 105600.00
Total 3030.00 6666000.00 232.94 256234.00 105.28 1052800.00 160.76 337596.00 232.39 232390.00 444.34 977548.00 9522568.00

District-wise Procurement details by Odisha during 2016-17
no District Branch Harida in
qtls Value in RS. Seeded Tamarind
in qtls Value in RS. Char Seed in
qtls Value in RS. Sal Seed in
qtls Value in
RS. Karanj Seed
in qtls Value in
RS. Mohua seed
in qtls Value in
RS. Total Value Rs.
1 Koraput Sunabeda 257.00 257000 257000.00
2 Keonjhar Keonjhar 36.35 79970.00 79970.00
3 Nabarangpur Umerkote
4 Gajapati Paralakhemundi
5 Mayurbhanj Udala 22.31 24541.00 29.20 64240.00 88781.00
6 Sambalpur Sambalpur 178.36 392392.00 99.18 991800.00 493.58 493580.00 1877772.00
7 Bolangir Bolangir 144.22 158642.00 64.50 141900.00 113.68 1136800.00 1437342.00
8 Sundargarh Lahunipara 23.95 26345.00 61.67 135674.00 123.93 1239300.00 34.69 34690.00 1436009.00
9 Deogarh 19.05 20955.00 115.37 253814.00 37.07 370700.00 400.31 400310.00 1045779.00
10 Sundargarh Sundargarh 194.90 214390.00 213.25 469150.00 283.05 2830500.00 230.35 230350.00 3.93 8253.00 3752643.00
11 Rayagada Rayagada 375.00 412500.00 412500.00
12 Muniguda 44.00 48400.00 48400.00
13 Nayagarh Nayagarh 23.25 51150.00 24.72 54384.00 105534.00
14 Kalahandi Bhawanipatna 35.00 38500.00 530.00 5300000.00 126.50 126500.00 5465000.00
15 Kandhamal Baliguda 369.29 369290.00 369290.00

Total 858.43 944273.00 721.95 1588290.00 1186.91 11869100.00 1911.72 1911720.00 3.93 8253.00 24.72 54384.00 16376020.00

District-wise Procurement details by Odisha during 2017-18

Sl no District Branch Harida in qtls Value in RS. Sal Seed in qtls Value in RS. Total Value Rs.
1 Koraput Sunabeda 0.00 4505.30 4505300.00 4505300.00
2 Keonjhar Keonjhar 43.03 34424.00 0.00 34424.00
3 Sambalpur Sambalpur 1797.69 1797690.00 1797690.00
4 Sundargarh Lahunipara 970.04 970040.00 970040.00
5 Deogarh 1754.41 1754410.00 1754410.00
6 Sundargarh Sundargarh 35.00 28000.00 922.51 922510.00 950510.00
7 Rayagada Rayagada 94.50 75600.00 0.00 75600.00
8 Kalahandi Bhawanipatna 0.00 604.50 604500.00 604500.00
Total Total 172.53 138024.00 10554.45 10554450.00 10692474.00

District-wise Procurement details by Odisha during 2018-19
District Branch Item Name of Hat/ Centre Quantity .in Qtls Value in Rs.
Nuapada Nuapada Chiranjee pods with seed Darlimunda 0.29 2724.90
Siletpani 38.50 358050.00
Total 38.79 360774.90

District-wise Procurement details by Odisha during 2019-20
Sl no District Branch Harida Seeded Tamarind Total Value Rs.
Qty in Qtls Value in Rs. Qty in Qtls Value in Rs.
1 Sundargarh Sundargarh 37.20 55800.00 477.03 1478793.00 1534593.00
2 Mayurbhanj Udala 78.00 117000.00 117000.00
3 Sambalpur Sambalpur 408.53 1266443.00 1266443.00
4 Deogarh Lahunipara 226.72 702832.00 702832.00
Total 115.20 172800.00 1112.28 3448068.00 3620868.00

District-wise Procurement details by Odisha during 2020-21
Sl District Harida Seeded Tamarind Honey Hill Brooms De Seeded Tamarind Sal Seed Bahada Char Seed Mahua Seeds Total
Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs. Qty in Qtl Value in Rs.
1 Kalahandi 5 7500 2222.88 8002368 0 0 0 0 9988.5 19977000 0 0 27986868
2 Sambalpur 4.22 6330 751.13 2704068 0 0 0 0 34298.45 68596900 0 0 71307298
3 Sundergarh 0.3 450 1393.63 5017068 0 0 0 0 0.36 2268 32721.71 65443420 0 0 70463206
4 Kandhamal 0 0 577.57 2079237.6 0 0 18.75 93750 15719.2 31438400 0 0 33611388
5 Rayagada 0 0 1295.85 4665060 0 0 0 0 3561.33 7122660 0 0 11787720
6 Mayurbhanj 5.35 8025 508.02 1828872 7 136500 0 0 0 0.8 1360 0 1974757
7 Malkangiri 0 0 74.4 267840 0 0 0 0 304 608000 0 272.8 791120 1666960
8 Nuapada 0 0 964.63 3472668 0 0 0 0 6156.3 12312600 0 0 15785268
9 Deogarh 653.82 2353752 3620 7240000 0 0 9593752
10 Koraput 518 1864800 15592.15 31184300 0 41.1 517860 582 1687800 35254760
11 Gajapati 119.6 430560 0 430560
12 Keonjhar 1098.67 2197340 2197340
13 Nabarangpur 79.42 285912 10478.88 20957760 21243672
14.87 22305 9158.95 32972206 7 136500 18.75 93750 0.36 2268 133539.2 267078380 0.8 1360 41.1 517860 854.8 2478920 303303549

District-wise MFP details of Uttar Pradesh
S. No. Name of District Minor Forest Produce
1 Chitarkut Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, etc
2 Sonebhadar Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Neem seed, etc
3 Beheraich Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Sal seeds, Mahua etc.
4 Balrampur Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Wild honey, Sal Seed, Mahua etc.
5 Mirzapur Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, etc.
6 Lalitpur Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Sal Seed, Mahua etc.
7 Chandoli Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, etc.
8 Lakhimpur-khere Bel, baheda, Mahua, Ban Haldi, Reetha, Amla, Honey, etc
9 Gorkhpur Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Wild honey etc.
10 Maharajganj Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Wild honey etc.
11 Gonda Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Wild honey etc.
12 Bijnor Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Sal seeds, Mahua etc
13 Saharanpur Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Sal seeds, Mahua etc
14 Jhansi Baelguda, Gurbel, Desi Moong, Jamun Seed, gudmar, Bharingraj etc.
15 Mahoba Baelguda, Gurbel, Desi Moong, Jamun Seed, gudmar, Bharingraj etc.
16 Benaras Baheda, Nagarmotha, Baelguda, Ban Tulsi, Neem seed etc.

Name of MFPs F/Y 2021-22
Qty. in MTs Value
(Rs. In lakhs)
BahedaKachariya 0.55 0.09
Nagarmotha 0.05 0.02
Neem Seed 1.01 0.27
Jamun Seed Dry 0.15 0.06
Bel Guda 4 1.2
Giloy/Gurbel 0.07 0.03
Total 5.83 1.67

Annexure 2
Annexure referred to in Part (d) of the reply to LSUQ No. 3604 for answer on 20.12.2021
List of MFPs/Items and their MSP rates notified by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs under the scheme MSP For MFPs are given below:

No. Name of MFPs Rate List of MSP for MFPs notified by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI vide Notification dated 1/05/20 (in Rs. Per Kg.) Category
H- Horticulture
1 Tamarind (with seeds) (Tamarindus indica) 36 F All India
2 Wild Honey 225 F All India
3 Gum Karaya (Sterculia urenus) 114 F All India
4 Karanj seed (Pongamia pinnata) 22 F All India
5 Sal seed (Shorearobusta) 20 F All India
6 Mahua seed (Madhuca longifolia) 29 F All India
7 Sal leaves (Shorearobusta) 35 F All India
8 Chironji pods with seeds (Buchananialanzan) 126 F All India
9 Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) 15 F All India
10 Rangeeni Lac 200 F All India
11 Kusumi Lac 275 F All India
12 Kusum seeds (Schleicheraoleosa) 23 F All India
13 Neem seeds (Azadirachta indica) 27 F All India
14 Puwad seeds (Cassia tora) 16 F All India
15 Baheda (Terminalia bellirica) 17 F All India
16 Hill Broom Grass
(Thysanolaena maxima) 50 F All India
17 Dry Shikakai Pods
(Acacia concinna) 50 F All India
18 Bael pulp (Dried)
(Aegle marmelos) 30 F All India
19 Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundas) 30 F All India
20 Shatavari Roots (Dried) (Asparagus racemosus) 107 F All India
21 Gudmar / Madhunashini (Gymnemasylvestre) 41 F All India
22 Kalmegh
(Andrographis paniculata) 35 F All India
23 Tamarind (De-seeded) (Tamarindus indica) 63 F All India
24 Guggul (exudates) 812 F All India
25 Mahua Flowers (dried)
(Madhuca longifolia) 30 F All India
26 Tejpatta (dried)
(Cinnamomum tamala and Cinnamomum sp.) 40 F All India
27 Jamun dried seeds
(Syzygiumcumini) 42 F All India
28 Dried Amla pulp (deseeded) (Phyllanthus emblica) 52 F All India
29 Marking Nut
(Semecarpus anacardium) 9 F All India
30 Soap Nut (dried) (Sapindusemarginatus) 14 F All India
31 Bhava seed/ (Amaltas)
(Cassia fistula) 13 F All India
32 Arjuna Bark (Terminalia arjuna) 21 F All India
33 Kokum (Dry) (Garcinia indica) 29 F All India
34 Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia) 40 F All India
35 Kaunch seed (Mucuna pruriens) 21 F All India
36 Chirata (Swertia chirayita) 34 F All India
37 Vaybidding /
Vavding (Embeliaribes ) 94 F All India
38 Dhavaiphool dried flowers (Woodfordiaflobunda) 37 F All India
39 Nux Vomica
(Strychnosnux vomica) 42 F All India
40 Ban Tulsi Leaves (dried) (Ocimumtenuiflorum) 22 F All India
41 Kshirni (Hemidesmus indicus) 35 F All India
42 Bakul (dried bark)
(Mimusopselengii) 46 F All India
43 Kutaj (dried bark)
(Holarrhenapubescens/ H.aniidysenterical) 31 F All India
44 Noni/Aal (dried fruits)
(Morindacitrifolia ) 17 F All India
45 Sonapatha/ Syonak pods (Oroxylumindicum ) 21 F All India
46 Chanothi seeds (Abrusprecatorius) 45 F All India
47 Kalihari (dried tubers) (Gloriosa superba) 31 F All India
48 Makoi (dried fruits)
(Solanum nigrum) 24 F All India
49 Apang plant (Achyranthes aspera) 28 F All India
50 Sugandhmantri roots/ tubers (Homalomenaaromatica) 38 F All India
51 Van Tulsi seeds
(Ocimumgratissimum) 16 F All India
52 Van Jeera
(Vernonia anthelmintica) 70 F All India
53 Tamarind Seed
( Tamarindus indica (Seeds) 11 F All India
54 Bamboo Brooms
(Thysanolaena maxima) 60 F All India
55 Dry Anola
(Phyllanthus emblica (Dry) 60 F All India
56 KachriBaheda
(Terminalia bellerica) 20 P All India
57 KachriHarra
(Terminalia chebula) 23 P All India
58 Seed lac
(Kerria lacca) 677 FP All India
59 Beetal nut raw
(Areca catechu (Raw) 30 A N.E.States
60 Beetal nut Dry
(Areca catechu (Dry) 200 A P N.E.States
61 Mushroom (Dry)
(Agaricusbisporus( dry) 300 A P N.E.States
62 Black Rice
(Oryza sativa L) 100 A N.E.States
63 Johar Rice
( Oryza sativa) 50 A N.E.States
64 King Chilli
(Capsicum chinense Jacq) 300 A N.E.States
65 Mustard
(Brassica nigra) 40 A N.E.States
66 Raw Cashew
(Anacardium occidentale (Raw) 450 A N.E.States
67 Cashew Nut
(Anacardium occidentale (Nut) 800 A P N.E.States
68 Ginger dry
(Zingiber officinale) 50 A P N.E.States
69 Perilla
(Perilla frutescens) 140 A N.E.States
70 Rosella(Hibiscus sabdariffa) 200 A N.E.States
71 Nutgall
(Rhus chinensis) 150 A N.E.States
72 Zanthoxylum Dried
(Zanthoxylum armatum) 200 A N.E.States
73 Jack Fruit Seed
(Artocarpus heterophyllus Seeds) 45 A N.E.States
74 Tassar Cocoon F/H Jharkhand
Reeling Class Grade-I
(Specification –When Avg. Shell Weight 1.55 gram and above) Rs 3200/
Thousand number
Un-Reeling Class Grade-I
(Specification –When Avg. Shell Weight 1.40 gram and above) Rs 1500/
Thousand number
75 Cashes Kernel (Anacardium occidentale) 90 F/P All India
76 Elephant Apple Dry (Dillenia indica) 120 F/H N.E.States
77 Bamboo Shoot (Phyllostachys edulis) 70 F N.E.States
78 Malkangni Seed (Celastruspaniculatus wild) 100 F All India
79 Mahul Leaves
(Bauhinia vahlli) 15 F Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh & West Bengal
80 Nagod (Vitex negundo) 20 F All India
81 Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris) 60 F All India
82 Pipla / Uchithi
(Dried berry) (Piper pedicellatum) 120 F All India
83 Gamhar / Gamri (Dry bark) (Gmelina arborea) 20 F N.E.States
84 Oroxylum indicum
(Dry bark )
(Oroxylum indicum) 40 F N.E.States
85 Wild Mushroom Dry (Agaricussp) 400 F N.E.States
86 Shringraj (Eclipta alba) 18 F/M All India
87 Tree Moss (Bryophytes) 350 F/P Karnataka


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