Question : Assistance to Women

(a) whether the NABARD has any scheme for providing financial assistance to the women living in rural areas;

(b) if so, the details thereof as on date; and

(c) the number of districts brought under these schemes and the number of women provided assistance thereunder during the last two years?

Answer given by the minister

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is implementing various programmes for welfare of women in rural areas which, inter-alia, include:

1. Self Help Group (SHG) Programme:

NABARD has been extending grant support to partner agencies for promotion and nurturing of SHGs, for training and capacity building of SHG members and other stake holders, beside initiating special programme for backward regions.

As on 31 March 2020, 102.43 lakh SHGs are savings-linked, out of which 88.32 lakh are exclusive women SHGs. Besides, 56.77 lakh SHGs which includes 51.12 lakh women SHGs are having loan outstanding to the tune of about Rs. 1,08,075 crore.

State-wise details of SHGs saving-linked and SHGs having bank loan outstanding, during the last 2 years are provided at Annexure I and II to this reply respectively.

2. Women Self Help Group (WSHG):

Ministry of Finance, Government of India has set up a “Women Self Help Group Development Fund” to implement a ‘Scheme for promotion of Women SHGs in Left wing Extremism Affected and Backward districts of India’.

As on 31.03.2020, the cumulative funds released by NABARD towards grant assistance, training, capacity building and other initiatives, out of this fund, stood at Rs. 139.43 crore. Progress under WSHG scheme for the last 2 years is provided at Annexure III to this reply.

3. Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDP) :

NABARD has been supporting skill and entrepreneurship training to SHG members through MEDP since March 2006. Cumulatively, around 5.00 lakh SHG members, mostly women members, have received training through 17700 MEDPs as on 31 March 2020. State-wise details of support provided by NABARD under MEDP during the last 2 years are provided at Annexure IV to this reply.

4. Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programme (LEDPs):

With a view to increase sustainable livelihoods among SHG members and to create maximum impact of skill up gradation with hand holding and credit linkages, the LEDP is conducted by NABARD. The objective of this programme is to create sustainable livelihoods and to facilitate maximum benefits for SHG members through skill upgradation, continued handholding till establishment of livelihoods. Cumulatively 89127 SHG members have been supported through 783 LEDP programmes upto 31 March 2020. State-wise details of support provided by NABARD under LEDP during the last 2 years are provided at Annexure V to this reply.

5. Producers Organisation Development Fund (PODF):

NABARD is implementing various schemes for betterment of rural population irrespective of gender. Farmer members (both men and women) are mobilized and incorporated during formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). Though there is no specific scheme for the welfare of women in promotion and nurturing of FPOs, however there are total 3.33 lakh women shareholders out of 10.32 lakh shareholders belonging to 4317 FPOs.

6. Tribal Development Fund (TDF):

NABARD is implementing projects under Tribal Development Fund (TDF) through NGOs under the ‘wadi’ model, wherein a one acre orchard is developed for entire tribal family for their income enhancement and improvement in livelihood. The focus is on development of the family as a whole. Women focused activities, such as women development through SHG formation, health and sanitation camps are the components of TDF projects.
7. Skill Development Initiatives:

NABARD supports Skill Development Programmes (SDPs) for facilitating rural youth and women for wage employment / develop as an entrepreneur. As on 31 March 2020, 34878 programmes covering 9.04 lakh trainees were supported which includes women also.

There are training programmes organised exclusively for women viz. Tailoring and embroidery, food processing, designer candle & soft toy making, catering, work place housekeeping, dress designing, beauty parlour management, artificial jewellery making, fashion designing, agarbathi making, poultry, mushroom cultivation, lac bangle manufacturing, jute products manufacturing, health worker, shop assistant, bed side assistant etc. The percentage of women in the above programmes was 66% and 64 % in 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively.

Rs in crore
No of programmes Beneficiaries
2017-18 1498 35462
2018-19 1292 34178
2019-20 1066 33216

8. Exhibitions & Melas:

NABARD has been providing opportunities to women entrepreneurs to show case their skills through a marketing platform in the exhibition /melas sponsored by NABARD as well as other organisations in various States. A sizeable number of participants in such exhibitions are women. Mahalaxmi Saras in Mumbai, Surajkund Mela in Haryana, Deccan haat in Telangana are few of the major exhibitions where more than 50% participants were women.The number of exhibitions/ melas and total funds utilised during the last two years are as under:

Rs in crore
No of exhibitions/Melas Total funds
2018-19 396 5.26
2019-20 142 6.06


NABARD supports setting up of marketing platforms like Rural Haats (Rural Markets) and Rural Marts. The beneficiaries involve women also. Around 50% of the Rural Marts sanctioned in Maharashtra, U.P. & Rajasthan have 100% women participation. The number of Rural Haats/Marts and total funds utilised during the last two years are as under:

Rural Haats

(Rs in crore)
No of Rural Haats Total funds sanctioned
2018-19 64 6.04
2019-20 62 6.09
Rural Marts

(Rs in crore)
Number Total funds sanctioned
2018-19 94 2.55
2019-20 92 3.25

10. Off-Farm Producer Organisations (OFPOs)

The objective of OFPOs is to promote collectivisation of rural artisans so as to make them strong enough to take up business activities, through capacity building, business planning, and development of marketing linkages. As on 31 March 2020, 33 OFPO projects to the tune of Rs.12.88 crore were sanctioned in 16 states. Activities under OFPOs include handloom, handicraft, Minor Forest Produce, Micro enterprise etc. Around 11678 artisans/weaver benefitted in a period of three years. The women beneficiaries are 3500.

As informed by NABARD, State-wise disaggregated data on women beneficiaries under the above said schemes are not centrally maintained.


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