(a)&(b): Agricultural industries include both food and non-food industries.
According to a recent study got conducted through National Council for Applied &
Economic Research (NCAER), the overall growth of food processing industries was 5.8% during the 9th Plan. A number of policy initiatives have been taken by the
Government from time to time and financial assistance is being extended through plan
Schemes for the development of this sector.
With regard to agro and rural industries, the Government, through the Khadi and
Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is implementing the Rural Employment
Generation Programme (REGP) throughout the country for the development of agro and
rural industries. The cumulative State-wise projects sanctioned under REGP as on
30.6.2000 was 1,40,685. Under the Scheme the KVIC provides margin money
assistance at the rate of 25% of the project cost upto Rs.10 lakhs and for the project
above Rs.10 lakhs and upto Rs.25 lakhs, rate of margin money is 25% of Rs. 10 lakhs
plus 10% on remaining cost of the project.
(c): An amount of Rs.195 crores was utilized under Plan funds by the Ministry of
Food Processing Industries during the 9th Plan.
The funds released by the Government to Khadi and Village Industries
Commission under Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) during the last
three years were as under:-
Year Rs. in lakhs
1999-2000 1103
2000-2001 11000
2001-2002 15000
(d): During the 10th Plan, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries has given a
special emphasis on infrastructure development like food parks, value added centres,
integrated cold chain, irradiation etc. Besides, Schemes for quality assurance,
backward and forward integration are also proposed for implementation.
For strengthening of Khadi and Village Industries sector, a special package was
announced by the Government on 14.5.2001, which is under different phases of
implementation. The Package inter-alia provides for insurance cover to Khadi artisans,
option between rebate and Market Development Assistance (MDA), creation of
packaging and design facilities, measures to promote marketing, brand building and
cluster development, technology upgradation, quality control, marketing through
publicity and advertisement etc.