Question : Man-Animal Conflicts

(a) the total number of incidents of man-animal conflicts reported during the last three years and the current year in the country, State/UT-wise including Karnataka;
(b) whether the Government has taken various preventive measures to bring down the number of man-animal conflicts in the country;
(c) if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government has made any provision for payment of compensation for the victims of man animal conflicts; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and the number of victims who received compensation during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The management of forest and wildlife is the responsibility of concerned State/UT Governments and the details of man-animal conflicts in the country are not collated in the Ministry. However, as per information received from the state government of Karnataka incidents of man-animal conflicts during the last three years are given below:

No. Year No of human death Permanent disability Injury
1 2016-17 48 05 130
2 2017-18 35 04 204
3 2018-19 26 03 144
4 2019-20 (upto Oct.2019) 23 01 56

(b) &(c) The Government has taken various steps to bring down the number of man-animal conflicts in the country are as follows:

i. Ministry through its Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) namely ‘Project Tiger’, ‘Project Elephant’ and ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats (DWH)’ provides funds to States and UTs for carrying various activities for habitat improvement works namely restoration of natural water bodies, creation of artificial ponds, waterholes, augmenting food/fodder sources at various places within Protected Areas to minimize the human animal conflict.
ii. The Ministry has issued guidelines in context of human-wildlife conflict to the Chief Wildlife Wardens of all the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations dated 24th December, 2014 and 1st June, 2015.
iii. To mitigate wildlife conflict along the linear infrastructures like rail tracks, roads/highways and power transmission lines passing through the Protected Areas and other wildlife rich areas, Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife has recommended that all linear infrastructure development Agencies, shall submit wild animals passage plan based on the WII Guideline “Eco-Friendly Measures to Mitigate Impacts of linear infrastructure on Wildlife”. These guideline suggest for modification in the designs of the linear infrastructures by way of providing eco-friendly structure which will ensure safe movement of wildlife across these linear infrastructures.
iv. The Ministry has approved a project for undertaking ‘Immuno-contraceptive measures’ for population management of wild animals.
v. A network of Protected Areas namely viz., National Park, Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves and Community Reserves covering important wildlife habitat have been created all over the country under the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 to conserve wild animals and their habitats.
vi. Construction/erecting of physical barriers, such as barbed wire fence, solar powered electric fence, bio-fencing using cactus, boundary wall etc. to prevent the entry of wild animals into crop field.
vii. Periodic awareness campaigns to sensitize guide and advise the general public on man-animal conflict, including dissemination of information through various forms of media.

(d)&(e) There is provision for payment of compensation for the victims of man-animal conflicts varies from State to State. However, the Ministry provides financial assistance to State/Union Territory Governments under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes of ''Development of Wildlife Habitats'', ''Project Tiger'' and ’Project Elephant'' for management of wildlife and its habitats. This assistance also includes compensation for depredation by wild animals including crop damage, loss of life and property. Further, the Ministry has increased the Ex-gratia payment in connection with wildlife depredation as follows:

Sl. No. Nature of damage caused by wild animals Amount of ex-gratia relief
(a) Death or permanent incapacitation Rs. 5,00,000/-
(b) Grievous injury Rs. 2,00,000/-
(c) Minor injury Cost of treatment up to Rs. 25000/- per person
(d) Loss of property/crops State/UT Government may adhere to the cost norms prescribed them.

The numbers of victims received compensations are not collated in the Ministry.

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