Question : ISGAN

(a) whether India is one of the founding Members of International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether ISGAN creates a mechanism for multilateral Government- to-Government collaboration to advance the development and deployment of smarter electric grid technologies, practices and systems and if so, the facts in this regard;

(c) whether Smart Grid implementation in the country is likely to get a boost from deliverables obtained through decisions and actions taken in the executive committee meeting of ISGAN and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the extent to which the country will be benefited to improve the understanding of smart grid technologies, practices and promote adoption of related enabling Government policies?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b) : Yes, Madam. India is one of the founding members of the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN). ISGAN was launched at the first Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), a meeting of energy and environment ministers and stakeholders from 23 countries and the European Union held in Washington, D.C on July 19th and 20th, 2010.

ISGAN’s vision is to accelerate progress on key aspects of smart grid policy, technology and related standards through voluntary participation by governments in specific projects and programs. ISGAN activities center on those aspects of the smart grid where governments have regulatory authority, expertise, convening power, or other leverage, focusing on five principal areas:

i. Policy standards and regulation
ii. Finance and business models
iii. Technology system development
iv. Workforce skills and knowledge
v. Users and consumers engagement

(c) & (d) : Yes, Madam. Smart Grid implementation in India would get support from deliverables obtained through decisions and actions taken in 13th ISGAN ExCo Meeting. The dynamic knowledge sharing, technical assistance and periodic ISGAN reports on progress and projects being undertaken in the field of Smart Grids across the world would also be helpful in suitable deployment of Smart Grid technologies in India.


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