(a) the details of wetlands, lakes, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar;

(b) the details of the conservation/development activities carried out or being carried therein under National Wetland Conservation Programme, National Lake Conservation Programme and National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries Development Programme and the funds allocated for the purpose, State-wise;

(c) the details of the proposals, if any, received from State Governments for conservation of environment and forests, State-wise; and

(d) the action taken thereon by the Government?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Details of wetlands, National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, as per the information available in the Ministry, are given below:

 State	Wetlands	National Parks	Wildlife Sanctuaries Andhra Pradesh	Kolleru	1.SriVenkateswara NP	1.Coringa WLS	3.Rajiv Gandhi NP	2.Krishna WLS	4.Papikonda NP	3.Rajiv Gandhi WLS	4.Rollapadu WLS	5.GundlaBrahmeswara WLS	6.Sri Lankamalleswara WLS	7.Nelapattu WLS	8 .Pulicat WLS	9.Koundinya WLS	10.Sri Venkateswara WLS	11.Kambalakonda WLS	12.PenusilaNarasimha WLS Bihar	1.Kawar	Valmiki National Park	1.BarelaJheel Salim Ali	2.Barallia	Bird Sanctuary	3.Kusheshwar	2.Bhimbandh WLS	Asthan	3.Gautam Budha WLS	4.Kanwarjheel WLS	5.Kimur WLS	6.Nagi Dam WLS	7.Nakti Dam WLS	8.Pant (Rajgir) WLS	9.Udaipur WLS	10.Valmiki WLS	11.Vikramshila Gangetic	Dolphin WLS	12.Kusheshwar Asthan Bird	Sanctuary. 
There are no lakes in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar.

(b) to (d) The Ministry was earlier implementing the scheme of National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) on 70:30 cost sharing basis between the Central Government and the State Governments for conservation and management of polluted and degraded lakes in urban and semi urban areas of the country. Different conservation activities under NLCP include core components of interception, diversion and treatment of wastewater, catchment area treatment, shoreline protection, in-lake treatment such as aeration, de-weeding, de-siltation, bio-remediation and bio-manipulation. Further, Another scheme of National Wetland Conservation Programme (NWCP) had been under implementation for conservation and management of identified wetlands in the country. Under this Programme NWCP, 100% financial assistance has been provided for conservation and management of identified wetlands in the country, including Ramsar sites. The activities taken up under the scheme include survey & demarcation, afforestation, catchment area treatment, water management, protection measures, fisheries development, weed control, wildlife conservation, pollution abatement, eco-development, etc.

To avoid overlap and promote better synergies, the Ministry has now merged the NLCP with the scheme of NWCP, into one integrated scheme of National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems (NPCA).

Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ financial assistance is provided to States/Union Territory Governments for following important activities :
 a. Management and Capacity building b. Anti-poaching and infrastructure developments c. Restoration of habitats d. Eco-development and community oriented activities 
Proposal has been received from the State Government of Andhra Pradesh and Bihar with respect to conservation of wildlife and its habitats under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ and ‘Project Tiger’ for the year 2014-15. Proposals received from the State Government of Bihar have been processed and financial assistance has been released under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ and ‘Project Tiger’. Financial assistances to state of Andhra Pradesh has been released under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Project Tiger’ only. Financial assistances under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ has not been released as utilization certificate for funds released during previous year has not been received.

No proposals have been received for conservation of wetlands and lake during the 2014-15 from the State Government of Andhra Pradesh and Bihar.

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