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(a): Government is implementing various schemes under which financial assistance is provided for setting up of cold storages and warehouse for storage of Agriculture produce including perishable horticulture produce throughout the country including Karnataka.
Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare is implementing Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) under which financial assistance is provided for various horticulture activities including setting up of cold storages. The component is demand/entrepreneur driven for which Government assistance in the form of credit linked back ended subsidy is available at the rate of 35% (for general areas) and 50% (for hilly and scheduled areas) of eligible capital cost of the project for both public and private sector enterprises.
Further, Government is implementing Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI), a sub-scheme of Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) across the country including Karnataka. AMI sub-scheme is a demand driven, back ended, credit linked subsidy scheme in which rate of subsidy provided is 25% and 33.33% based on the category of eligible beneficiary and provided on capital cost of the project. Assistance under the sub-scheme is available to Individuals, Farmers, Group of farmers/growers, Agri-preneurs, Registered Farmer Produce Organizations (FPOs), Cooperatives, and state agencies etc.
(b): As on 31.12.2020, 37.42 million MT capacity of cold storage and 81.04 million MT capacity of warehouse has been established in the country.
(c) & (d): No such representations have been received. The components of cold storage and warehouse under these schemes are demand/entrepreneur driven from among entrepreneurs, private companies, cooperatives, farmers groups etc through commercial ventures for which assistance is available as credit linked back ended subsidy.
As per available information, 18 number of cold storages with capacity of 98711 MT have been created in the State of Karnataka during the last three years.
Further, 215 number of warehouses with capacity of 240000 MT have been created in the State of Karnataka during the last three years.
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