(a) During the Eighth Five Year Plan and first three years of
the Ninth Five Year Plan, total external assistance of about
Rs. 5885.00 crores comprising
Rs. 4545.00 crores as credit from IDA (World Bank) and Rs.
1340.00 crores as grant from European Community, Department For
International Development (DFID) of United Kingdom, UNICEF and
Government of Netherlands has been tied up for implementation
of the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in the
selected educationally backward districts of various States.
Besides, financial assistance in the form of grant
amounting to Rs. 77.30 crores from SIDA (Swedish
International Development Agency) and Rs. 200.00 crores from
DFID (UK) has been tied-up for the Lok Jumbish project in
Rajasthan. The funds are being utilised for holistic
development of primary education including construction of
school buildings, additional classrooms, toilets, drinking
water facilities and interventions for quality improvement.
(b) Under the Lok Jumbish Project funds to the extent of
Rs. 146.95 crores, including the share of Government of
India has been released to Rajasthan till 31.3.2000. The
position regarding funds released under DPEP to the various
project States including Maharashtra since inception of the
programme in 1994-95 till 31.3.2000 is indicated in Annex. I.
(c) The reports of various Supervision / Review Missions and
evaluation studies of DPEP have brought out that the programme
has resulted in significant increase in enrolment, improvement
in learning achievement, reduction in repetition rates/drop-
outs, improvements in classroom processes, etc. The major
achievements of each State in respect of construction of
school buildings, additional classrooms and other facilities
under DPEP are indicated in Annex. II. Major achievements of
Lok Jumbish Project are indicated in Annex â III.
(d) to (f): The progress of utilisation of funds is regularly
monitored by the Government through the mechanism of Project
Management Information System (PMIS), meetings of the Executive
Committees of the State Implementation Societies, field visits
by the Joint Supervision Missions comprising representatives of
the Government of India and external funding agencies etc. The
position regarding category-wise expenditure incurred by each
project State under DPEP is given in Annex. IV.
Annex- III
Annex referred to in reply to part (c ) of the Lok
Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3625 to be answered on
12.12.2000 regarding
âLoan for School Buildingsâ
[ Major Achievements of Lok Jumbish Project (Rajasthan) ]
Sl. Particulars Upto 1998-99
1. Number of Blocks covered 75
2. Number of clusters taken up for 305
3. Number of villages in which environment 8675
building done
4. Number of villages in which school 6954
mapping completed
5. Number of womenâs groups formed 5712
6. Number of Sahaj Shiksha Centres opened 5010
(i) Number of Building Construction 1499
Committees formed
(ii) Number of building works take up 1475
8. New Primary Schools opened 529
9. Upgradation of Primary to Upper Primary 268
10. Additional Teachers (PS+UPS) sanctioned 1256
11. Shiksha Karmi Schools opend 549